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Open the cheat menu by holding down ctrl, shift, and then c. Type this in how you see it here: boolprop testingCheatsEnabled true

Then hold down shift and click on the sim you want to kill. You'll see a list of cheat actions available. Like on "spawn" and then click on "Rodney's death creator". When the tombstone appears nearby your sim, be the sim you want to kill then click on the tombstone and chose how you want your sim to die. After they're dead, you can delete the tombstone.

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Q: How do you kill a Sim in apartment life 2 PC?
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Well , basically all you have to do is flirt or make out with another sim right in front of the sim you want to be divorce with so that sim will be jealous .

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Yes. You can have a baby on any of The Sims 2 games for the PC.

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Purchase The Sims 2 Nightlife Expansion OR Purchase a Later expansion and download the free Car-Kit off of (Later Expansions being Open for Business, Pets, Seasons, Bon Voyage, Freetime, or Apartment Life)

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i would have to say either apartment life or university Camouflage55: thanx

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Well first you click on your Sims then push "KISS" then "MAKE OUT" oh and this is PC version

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Is sims2 apartment live for ps2?

No it is not. The correct title is The Sims 2 Apartment Life. It is a PC game not released for any other platforms. There is a game The Sims 2: Apartment Pets for the Nintendo DS whose title is similar

Where you can find a zombie in the sims 2?

in the PC version, you kill a sim, use the resuruct-o-nomitron (university required) and offer aroun 2,500 Simoleons.