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Just give them an office and they will be happy.

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Q: How do you keep your staff happy in zoo empire?
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Related questions

How do you keep a zoo on zoo empire from being deleted?

Save it on ur exit

On zoo empire how do you make the custermers happy?

you get more animals or you get more fun stuff to do

How do you sell staff on tap zoo?

You cannot sell your staff on tap zoo

When did Zoo Empire happen?

Zoo Empire happened in 2004.

How in zoo empire can you make animals have babies?

They mate if they have enough privacy (no paths near them) and there happy it happens Auto !

How do you get out of first person view in zoo empire?

you can not person's veiw in zoo empire but you can in zoo tycoon 2.

When was Zoo Empire created?

Zoo Empire was created on 2004-08-01.

How many zoo keepers get injured every year?

The number of zoo keepers in a zoo depends on how many animals there are and how much care the animals need. Often the zoo staff is supplemented by a volunteer staff.

How do you know what level you are on in zoo empire?

You don't

Do komodo dragon breed in zoo empire?

no they can.

What do Canberra Zoo staff feed Sumatran tigers?

Sumatran tigers eat what most tigers eat at the zoo, MEAT.

Does the game Zoo Empire is on the DS?

No this game is not out for the Nintendo DS. It appears that Zoo Empire was just made into a PC game for computers and never expanded out to DS.