It's just like marrying them...all you have to do is befriend them enough and then it should say something like...."ask to move in" or someting along those lines.
I didnt really understand your question but i think that's what you ment?? xoxo
U have to find the second one by exploring the island and soon u will see one of ur crew mate you have to build ur relationship and then u will see special and click and it and it will ask ur crew mate to join the tribe
First you have to ask your crew mate to join your tribe when you get to the second island. To do this you have to befriend them and ask them under special conversations. Then to play as your other Sim go to the Sim switcher on the bottom left corner of the screen. Just choose the Sim you wish to be. Note that the Sim has to be in the same area you are. Finding the conch shell located at the shore will help summon your tribe members to your area.
You keep romancing them. if you do it enough they will become your soul mate!:) You keep romancing them. if you do it enough they will become your soul mate!:)
Once a male and a female horse have a large enough relationship you should see the option when clicking on the other horse (romantic) then click (try for foal) also you can go to the equestrian center if your sim is riding a horse. For male horses it is (offer stallion as stud) and female (mate.. something (help people I forgot) ) Umm... hope this helped :)
It's eazy. All you need is a bed or a hot tub. If your gonna do it in the bed you need to make both sims relax in it. If you gonna do it in the hot tub both sims must first cudle together.once your sim is in the bed or hot tub click on your sims mate. If you have a good relation ship with that sim all you need to do is click on the icon " try for baby" then ether under the covers or under water they do there thing. It takes acouple days but over time the mother sim will be come pregnat. Yes it is possable to heve twins but your asking for trouble. ( None from own experince!:o )
No, it's just a message. It's only you and your crew mate and the animals on the Sims 2 Castaway wii.
U have to find the second one by exploring the island and soon u will see one of ur crew mate you have to build ur relationship and then u will see special and click and it and it will ask ur crew mate to join the tribe
yeah if you have a male crew mate get up to 100 in the friendship then go to special or relationship and choose purpose then see where it goes from there
there is NO cheat to make dogs mate on the sims, you must simply build up your dog's relationship's and instruct them to mate.
i have not invited a room mate either but that is because i have never tried. i know that the person that you invite cant have a home e.g. Penelope (dr dominion newlows house keeper). the person that you invite must have a high relationship with you (4). hope this helps. cole
First you have to ask your crew mate to join your tribe when you get to the second island. To do this you have to befriend them and ask them under special conversations. Then to play as your other Sim go to the Sim switcher on the bottom left corner of the screen. Just choose the Sim you wish to be. Note that the Sim has to be in the same area you are. Finding the conch shell located at the shore will help summon your tribe members to your area.
You have to go to their house and use their stuff like toilet,shower,bath,fridge and invite your mate over then another person who you want to mate with and hot smooch her.She will get really jealous and mad she"ll leave and wont like you anymore. Thanks!
No mate
You keep romancing them. if you do it enough they will become your soul mate!:) You keep romancing them. if you do it enough they will become your soul mate!:)
socialize with sims of the opposite sex or if that doesn't work just make one! : )
Yeah mate.
A captain's assistant is commonly referred to as a first mate or second mate, depending on the hierarchy within the crew. They assist the captain in overseeing the ship's operations, navigation, and crew members.