When someone rings your doorbell, just press greet and then they will come in your house.
You can use your phone to call them and choose the option invite over.
You cant
you have to go to a Sims house and click the phone and invite them over or you can let them invite you over by going to a group in downtown (nightlife needed) use the boolprop cheat then hold shift and click on the Sim and make selectable, then make the Sim take you and there friends to there house.
no you cant i already tried and i qot nuttin
No, you can't.
to ask a sims out you can phone them and there should be options : chat, invite over etc. AND invite out so to ask sims out you click the INVITE OUT option ( by the way the INVITE OUT option is not a date and can be done to anyone you know on the sims 3 )
You will need to call them on the telephone to invite a Sim over on Sims 3 Ambitions.
invite the headmaster!
You can use your phone to call them and choose the option invite over.
no you cannot. you can only invite roomates
You cant
You can't really go on a date but you can invite other sims to a comunity lot
Just invite them over and increase your relationship with that professor
you have to go to a Sims house and click the phone and invite them over or you can let them invite you over by going to a group in downtown (nightlife needed) use the boolprop cheat then hold shift and click on the Sim and make selectable, then make the Sim take you and there friends to there house.
No, you can't invite anyone over.
well you go to your phone and hit invite a friend over and just invite as many people as you want
just call a sim you know an invite him/her (it can also be done with a party and invite only 1 sim ore more Re: I dont think there are phones on Sims Castaway Life Stories, unlike the conch in normal Sims Castaway, so either you need a conch, which I dont think you can get in Sims Castaway life stories, or they just have to wonder onto your lot.