Go to maxsonic.com/sonicheros. When you download it will have no virus!!
No, It's a ps2 game.
at bo do h
you have to buy it, no website gives full version for free
Well, you can. But it’s not zmetal Sonic or Eggman or even Chaos. I heard that in co-op mode by tapping very fast “space” and “y” on your keyboard you can acquire the “Metal Team”. You’ll get Sonic, Tails and Knuckles, but in Metal filter. They kinda look like .exe characters.
Free Sonic games can be found on a number of websites. Sonic Games, Daily Games, Games List, and One Online Games all feature free online Sonic games.
To get sonic heroes for free try searching some ROM sites that provide gamecube or wii roms, you will find it from there hope fully
go to downloadnow.com signup for free and download the game
No, It's a ps2 game.
i know that you have to install it on your computer, and for free!
You cannot legally obtain Sonic and Sega All Stars racing for free.
at bo do h
iTunes is free so you only need to download it and install it (see link below)
you have to buy it, no website gives full version for free
21 games Sonic Adventure 2 Sonic Adventure 2 battle Sonic Heroes Sonic battle Sonic Chronciles Shadow the Hedgehog Sonic 06 Sonic Rivals 1 and 2 Sonic and the Blak Night Mario and sonic at the olympic games Mario and sonic at the olympic winter games sonic colors(DS version only) sonic generations(only hinted,not 100 percent comfirmed) sonic and the secret rings(only in multiplayer) sonic pinball party sega all-star tennis sonic and sega all-star racing sonic riders sonic riders zero gravity sonic free riders
You have to complete the Team Heroes and Team Babylon missions to unlock Shadow and Rouge.
I dont think Wikianswers can tell you that sort of thing Remember: downloading company of heroes free is illegal so i dont think i can answer that though wikianswers.