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You don't, you buy a memory stick and put it into the slot on the left of the psp - near the wifi button.

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Q: How do you install a memory chip on the psp?
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Can you chip a PSP 3000?

Yes You Can Flash/Chip A PSP 3000!

How do you fix error 802e1010 on psp go?

Bad blocks is detected on first 1023 sector of the internal memory card. No remedy on it unless you are capable of replacing the NAND chip in PSP go and transfer the NAND data from your broken NAND to a new Working NAND chip (NAND chip had unique system files required for PSP Go to boot, you cant use any other PSP Go's NAND data as they have different key sets stored on each PSP) Be warned that System Memory might be in pinch as the memory card goes bad, the system memory area may get damaged too and may cause software brick and your PSP Go is good as paper weight after that.

Can you download music from iTunes to your psp?

Yeah: Go to Music>iTunes>iTunes Music>(songs), then highlight the songs, duplicate them, drag the duplicates to the desktop. Remove "copy" from the songs and drag them to the PSP memory chip (You have to attach the PSP to the comp with usb cable, or chip to a card reader box) and into the music folder (It's on there somewhere).

Is the memory of the slim PSP and the fat PSP the same?

it depends on your memory stick i have a 2gb. i dont think the psp has internal memory. UNLESS THE PSP GO. that has internal memory

Is it illegal to chip a psp?


Can you buy more memory for your PSP?

Yes you can buy memory for your PSP.

Can you install games for psp 3004?

You can download demos from the PSN. As for downloading games to your memory stick, there is currently no way to play them.

You have psp version 5 and want to upgrade to version 6 will you lose the games on your memory card?

Upgrading your firmware version does not affect your save games as it is changing the on chip system and not the memory stick.

How do you install downloaded games onto psp?

They are both the same thing as far as the PSP is concerned. When the game finishes downloading from the PlayStation Network, it is there on memory stick and ready to be played whenever. There is no formal 'install' procedure like for a PC game.

How do you modd your PSP?

honestly dont know dont have one but im guesing u have to install like a chip into the psp that would cost maybe $150. but please dont mod it destroys the gaming comunity

Why does your PSP say not enough memory?

Your psp says not enough memory when your psp doesn't have enough memory to handle whatever it's doing at the moment.