Get the Radio card on your pokegear ( given to you at Goldenrod radio tower by answering 3 questions right.) And 4 programs air. the variety channel sometimes hosts Buenas password. :)
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He was the host of the game show Password Plus.
He will ask you for Pokemon like lickytung, tangela. In heartgold you show an oddish and in silver i think its lickitung
you can. go to the marshlands in the safari zone and place 8 forest objects. a pachirisu will eventually show up :)
In the pewter city museum. to get his attantion you must bring walking latias ( heartgold) or latios ( soulsilver ) with a soul dew from a mystery gift. then he will take you to saffron city. he will talk to you for a while. then he will go back to pewter then show you latios ( heartgold ) or latias ( soulsilver ) outside of the museum. then after you defeat or catch one of eon Pokemon that's the last of him.
i do not know about Pokemon GOLD but PokemonHEART GOLD doesEdit: Buena's Password show was first introduced in Pokemon Crystal. It is not available in older versions of Pokemon, including Gold/Silver. I believe it has been in every game since.
The duration of Password - game show - is 1560.0 seconds.
Buenas Noches, caramelo (sweets) or Buenas Noches, querido/querida (darling) or Buenas Noches, mi amor (my love) There is no exact translation for "sweetie" in Spanish...the closest is "sweets" as in candy, which is "caramelo". The most common way of saying "Good night sweetie" in Spanish is probably "Buenas noches, mi corazon ( my heart)". Caramelo is not a term used to show affection. Amor, querido/querida, and corazon are the terms used.
Password - game show - was created on 1961-10-02.
Password - game show - ended on 1975-06-27.
You do not need to show Rayquaza to anyone in HeartGold. In order to get Rayquaza, you need to show Kyogre and Groudon (from HeartGold and SoulSilver) to Professor Oak. In turn, he will give you the Green Orb. With the Green Orb in hand, you can find Rayquaza in the Embedded Tower.
To hear about mass outbreaks, you need to tune into Mary and Oak's radio show and on certain days you will hear about a mass outbreak eg: "This is breaking news! A bunch of Buneary have decided to make an appearance at route 25. That's the end of breaking news." Hope this helps.
Show it to Proffeser oak
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Yes... only if you want it to show!!
As of June 2014, there is no presale password for the Kanye Show in Moline, IL. Kanye is not playing a show in Moline. He last played there in 2008.