To heal in Glatorian arena2 all you do is hold up and down on the arrow keys at the same time, and also to taunt you hold left and right on the arrow keys.
what are the unlock codes for BIONICLE glatorian arena 2
Vorox:v0r0xr Skrall: 5kr411
Yep, here they are: Strakk: 57R4KK Tarix: 74R1XR Skrall: 5KR411 Vorox:V0R0XR Malum: M41UMZ It is really from each box! P.S:NO capitals!
how do you change your weapons on thing thing arena 2
eat it
To heal in BIONICLE Glatorian Arena 2, you must hold down the Left and the Right arrow keys at a time.
what are the unlock codes for BIONICLE glatorian arena 2
The cheat code to unlock Glatorian Legends Stronius in BIONICLE Glatorian Arena 2 is 57RN1S
The unlock code for Malum in BIONICLE Glatorian Arena 2 is M41UMZ
Only the winter and summer Glatorian sets can be played as in Glatorian Arena, however you can talk to a Zesk outside the arena.
It is out right now.
Good question. If you like glatorian arena 2, maybe you will like glatorian arena 3. Search about it on BZPower forums!
You must hold down 2 arrow keys at a time. Up + Down - Heal Left + Right - Taunt
Mata Nui - M74NU1Stronius - 57RN1SAckar - 4CK4RGVastus - V457U5Kiina - BLUK11Gelu - 73G3LU
Go to search glatorian arena 3 click the first glatorian arena 3 main menu and it will take you to then go ahead and download it!
The cheat codes for Glatorian Arena and it's sequel, Glatorian Arena 2, are the B.I.O. codes that come with the LEGO BIONICLE sets or other promotional sources. All of the codes that will unlock aspects of these games are all listed below.GLATORIAN ARENA B.I.O. CODESTarix:74R1XRMalum:M41UMZStrakk:57R4KKVorox:VOROXRSkrall:5KR411GLATORIAN ARENA 2 B.I.O. CODESKiina:BLUK11Vastus:V457U5Ackar:4CK4RGGelu:73G3LUStronius:57RN1SLEGO Club Magazine:M4XFUNCLU8M4GThe Underwater City:CUTZ98