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you can get the fertility treatment in the life time wishes thing.

To get it you need 10,000 points. Get it for the mom and the dad so they have more children. My sims had 5 kids at once.

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Q: How do you have quintuplets on sims 3?
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What are five babies born at once called?

Quintuplets. 2-twins 3-triplets 4-quadruplets 5-quintuplets 6-sextuplets 7-septuplets

If three babies are triplets what are five babies called?


How do you have quintuplets on Sims 3 at least 80 percent of the time?

Without mods it is impossible to have more than triplets on Sims 3. However, some mods, such as Master Controller by Twallan, can force instant babies and allow you to choose how many babies you want. These will enable you to have as many babies as you want, and even have more than 8 Sims in a household, but may crash your game if you have too many babies at once.

What is the duration of Quintuplets?

The duration of Quintuplets is 1320.0 seconds.

How many sims games since Sims 3 pets?

The Sims 3The Sims 3The Sims 3: World AdventuresThe Sims 3: AmbitionsThe Sims 3: Late NightThe Sims 3: GenerationsThe Sims 3: PetsThe Sims 3 stuff packsThe Sims 3: High-End Loft Stuff (The Sims 3: Design and Hi-Tech Stuff in Great Britain)The Sims 3: Fast Lane StuffThe Sims 3: Outdoor Living StuffThe Sims 3: Town Life StuffThe Sims 3: Master Suite Stuff (still in production)The Sims 3 compilationsThe Sims 3 Collector's EditionThe Sims 3 Holiday Collector's EditionThe Sims 3 DeluxeThe Sims 3 Plus PetsSpin-offsThe Sims MedievalThe Sims Medieval: Pirates and Nobles

What Sims 3 are out?

Lots are out. The sims 3 university, sims 3 nightlife, sims 3 adventures, sims 3 generations... you name it!

With sims 3 can you have sims 2 pets?

No, you cannot have Sims 2 pets on Sims 3. You must have Sims 3 pets for Sims 3 or Sims 2 pets for Sims 2.

When did Quintuplets end?

Quintuplets ended on 2005-01-12.

What are quintuplets plus one more child?


What its called when you are having 6 babies?

quintuplets2 is twins=3 is triplets==4 is quadruplets==5 is quintuplets==6 is sextuplets=

What are 5 babies called when born at once?

Twins = 2 babies Triplets =3 babies Quadruplets =4 babies Quintuplets = 5 babies Sextuplets = 6 babies Septuplets = 7 babies Octuplets = 8 babies Nonuplets = 9 babies Decuplets (10)

How Many Sims 3 games are there going to be?

There are 17 but the 18th one is comming this spring its called Sims 3 University Life New Expansion this may be the Last EP's SP's The Sims 3 The Sims 3 Late Night The Sims 3 Ambitions The Sims 3 Fast Lane The Sims 3 World Adventures The Sims 3 Design-High Tech The Sims 3 Outdoor Living The Sims 3 Generations The Sims 3 Town Life The Sims 3 Pets The Sims 3 Showtime The Sims 3 Supernatural The Sims 3 Diesel The Sims 3 Seasons The Sims 3 Katy Perry Sweet Treats The Sims 3 Master Suite _____________________ The Sims 3 70s 80s 90s The Sims 3 University Life These 2 aren't out yet 70's 80's 90's will be out 24,01,13 and University will be out 08,03,13