first give it an element stone stone,ice stone,lighting stone.then all u have to do is w8 a bit and it will hatch
A Bad Egg is a glitch egg in the Pokemon games that willwreak havoc and kill everything if you do hatch it.Here's how it works:1) Bad Egg will hatch from your normal, everyday Egg.2) One step later, Bad Egg will hatch and the game will FREEZE!!!3)BAD EGG KILLS EVERYONE!!!
If u want 2 hatch an egg, i suggest the best way iz to put it in ur party and battle a lot.
After you get far enough in the game there will be a stable put your egg in that
You must have a Pokemon with magma armor or flame body the it should make the egg hatch 1/2 the time
Breed Chansey or Blissey with a Ditto and hatch a egg. Here are 2 easier ways Trade or get from a Hiker in hearthome City!
no,gyrados has a water 2/dragon egg group and flygon has a bug egg group
it takes a bald eagle egg about 2 months to hatch That is incorrect. Normal time from egg being laid to hatch is 35 days.
about 2 months
The australian parrot take 2 to 3 weeks to hatch their eggs!
This depends what type, but they all hatch at around 2 days.
2-4 months
Yes. 2-4 white eggs are generally laid and hatch after 16 days of incubation.
2 Words: Action Replay
about 2-3weeks
Catch 2 Ariados, Breed them, and hatch the egg.
About 2 months.