either train a makuhita until it evolves or go to victory road(the beginning part) and try to catch one either train a makuhita until it evolves or go to victory road(the beginning part) and try to catch one
It varies by game, in ruby sapphire and emerald you can find it wherever you can find Hariyama.
for me the best Pokemon to use are blaziken wailord hariyama crobat sableye and rayquaza the Pokemon i used: salamence metagross latias latios and the big ??
makuhita evolves at level 24 into a hariyama
its not an emerald its RAYQUAZA the main legendary Pokemon in Pokemon emerald.
There arent many wild fighting pokemon in emerald, you could get a torchic( starter ) and evolve it into a blaziken which is fire/fighting type. Or get a shroomish and evolve it into a breloom which is grass/fighting type. Hariyama is an all fighting type and has good stats but it naturally doesnt know any good fighting moves so you would have to teach it to them. Hope this helps!
trade it from ruby sapphire or emerald after getting the national pokedex.
golbat, lairon, hariyama, loudred, mauwile, zubat, marill, and sableye :P
It varies by game, in ruby sapphire and emerald you can find it wherever you can find Hariyama.
No, Hariyama is a fully evolved Pokemon.
golbat, lairon, hariyama, loudred, mauwile, zubat, marill which are very rare,and sabeleye which are rare also.
for me the best Pokemon to use are blaziken wailord hariyama crobat sableye and rayquaza the Pokemon i used: salamence metagross latias latios and the big ??
Hariyama is #297 in the national pokedex, and it is a Fighting type Pokemon.
u can get it from a hariyama u can find a hariyama in johto dark cave
makuhita evolves at level 24 into a hariyama
it doesnt
You have to get Makuhita witch you get when the little girl in sangem town says that you can get them, and evolve it. Then you can get Hariyama. Hope i helped.
There is no way to catch Hariyama on diamond. You can transfer one through Pal Park from Ruby, Sapphire or Emerald. Or you can catch a Makuhita in one of the swarms and evolve it. Hope this helps!