If you want the built in cheats, you open up the console and type sv_cheats 1. Then you can use cheating commands such as impulse 101 (one of every item), god, and noclip (fly through walls).
If you want to hack it in the sense that you make your own maps and weapons, try the source sdk.
No, The Orange Box does not include Garry's Mod (instead it has HL2, HL2 EP 1 and 2, Portal and TF2). I wish it did have Garry's Mod.
A computer that was bought at least after 2006 to run Half-Life 2 aka HL2
I don't know what kinds of hacks you're looking for but there is a speed hack, regular speed hack, wall hack, no fog hack, infinite zoom hack and more. Just look for the hacks of banjo1 on elitepvpers. He has lots of hacks for metin2.
in what way?
Yes, garry's mod will work with portal and you will have all the HL2 stuff.
No, The Orange Box does not include Garry's Mod (instead it has HL2, HL2 EP 1 and 2, Portal and TF2). I wish it did have Garry's Mod.
If you are running on Windows Vista or higher, please run the program as an administrator. Also, make sure you are launching the game through Steam, nothing else will work! If none of these work, I highly recommend you uninstall, redownload, and reinstall the program through Steam instead of fiddling around with the settings and messing up your whole Steam Engine.
its is short for half life 2 (there are hl1 hl2 ep 1 and ep 2) =D they are all on steam search on google steam click on download steam download it and u can buy games off it it is very good i have it
In general you only get props in Garry's Mod if they exist on your system, or in other words if you have that particular Source game installed. Whilst Portal might contain some generic Source props (and Garry's Mod may supply some itself) it's entirely likely that some (if not most) of the HL2 props will be missing if you don't have HL2
chances are your firewall is blocking communication of the HL2.exe, either create an exception for hl2.exe or temporarily turn off your firewall.
As long as you have ANY source game excluding deathmatch, you can play. But please note that you will usually need a lot of source games to see other people's props that come from other source games.
You can't use any firearm as a melee weapon in Half life 2.
10.00 dollars and it needs a source to play from so i would recomend hl2