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You need fiddler

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Q: How do you hack crazy penguin wars without fiddler?
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How do you get puffles without member hack or membership on club penguin?

i dont think you can without hacks but dont hack you might get baned!

How do you hack ninja saga for tokens?

fiddler or proxy

Is there a way to have membership things on club penguin without being a member?

No. You cannot have membership items on Club Penguin unless you hack. Also do not hack because it is against the law.

How do you hack penguins on clubpenguin?

guys you can hack penguin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! my penguin calebk20 log in to the penguin you want to hack and then go to thank you!

Can you become a member without paying in club penguin?

Yes, but you would have to hack into it which is not good.... or you can use club penguin cc which is good

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Can you be a member without paying in club penguin if yes how Thank You if you got answer your question weather it is yes or no.?

no there is no way unless you hack, then you will get kicked out of Club Penguin.

How do you hack Club Penguin without using CP Trainer?

Are you able to hack in crazy arcade?

No its actually true that you cant hack crazy arcade but there was a gm that once did it

How do you get a fake club penguin membership?

Penguin Power hack.

How do you hack clubpengin?

You are not allowed to hack Club Penguin per their rules.

What is penguin lime 3?

Its a club penguin hack/cheat like penguin storm, or penguin fire.