You can't. Those programs and the people who ask for your usernames and passwords are fake! Even if they claim it's real, it's still fake! They steal your usernames and passwords and other information, and put viruses on your computer!
gold hack please
There is noway you can hack jx now
you cannot hack weapons on any console
Give her gold
i have no idea and isn't Pokemon shinygold a hack game
gold hack please
ce hack e cel mai bun pentru 9 dragons sati evoluezi skilurile
well first u get a life and then u play sport or something other then RUNESCAPE
Get legit Gold point, Silver point, superjump,wall hack, chams,ghost hack,underground hack, tank hack , mol hack and MORE FOR FREE here
Indeed Shiny Gold is a hack by Zel. It is Pokemon Gold Version with FireRed graphics and a few more additions.
Well..... al lot of people CAN hack gold. All you gonna do is go to some website from gaia hack gold (I think.Try it) And ...thats it i guess
There is noway you can hack jx now
get to ballyoo
you cannot hack weapons on any console
Yes u can :)
at jinan: 288 - 868 enjoy
hack golds