keep it in a chest
Redstone blocks? You need an iron pickaxe.
You need to have the Silk Touch enchantment on your pickaxe, to be able to mine certain blocks instead of destroying them. With Silk Touch you can mine Ice, mine things like Diamond Ore instead of Diamonds, blocks of dirt with grass on already, etc.
W to go forward A to go left S to go backwards D to go right E to open inventory You use the mouse to turn Left click to Hit, mine, or dig right click to place blocks or activate blocks like a crafting table, furnace, or chest.
press where you are going to put the block.
put golden apple on the cafting items then there you go
a mine craft world never ends on a computer
To place blocks in minecraft, right click. To destroy them, left click.
You shift click on the block and place it where you want it
Redstone blocks? You need an iron pickaxe.
infinity health
keep it in a chest
keep it in a chest
Redstone blocks? You need an iron pickaxe.
you can find it in a chest