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Well in HG and SS you can only go to the Kanto Region. In order to go to Hoenn you have to get Ruby,Sapphire, or Emerald for the Gameboy Advance. In order to go to Kanto you have to beat the Elite Four, and then go on the S.S. Anne from Olivine City. 8D

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Q: How do you go to Kanto or hoenn?
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Do you go to hoenn in HeartGold?

No, you don't get Hoenn, but you get Johto and Kanto

How do you get that pass to go to Hoenn?

You cannot go to Hoenn in Pokemon HeartGold. It is physically impossible. You can only go to Kanto.

How do you get to Hoenn HeartGold?

No. You can only go to Kanto and Johto.

Can you go to Kanto Johto and Hoenn in Pokemon Platinum?

No you can not. You can only stay in Shinno in Platinum. On Pokemon Heart Gold and Soul Silver you can go to Kanto but not Hoenn and Shinno.

Can you get in Kanto after hoenn sapphire?

I'm sorry but no, you can't go to Kanto at all in Saphire

How do you get to Hoenn in SoulSilver?

Only Johto and Kanto are available in HGSS, not Hoenn or Sinnoh.You can't but you can go to Kanto and meet Steven Stone.there is no way to get there you need a different game to go cant get to hoenn in hg or ss

Can you go to Jhoto or Kanto from hoenn in Pokemon emerald?

No but in Pokemon crystal you can go from johto to kanto to johto etc.!!!

How do you get to the hoenn and Kanto region on Pokemon Diamond?

You cannot get to hoenn and kanto region on Pokemon diamond, because it is Shinno. In Pokemon Heard Gold and Soul Silver to can get to kanto, but not to hoenn. You have to have a special code to get hoenn.

Can you go to Hoenn in heartgold?

No. It is on Johto (1st) and kanto (2nd)

Can you go to Hoenn on Pokemon SoulSilver?

no, only johto and kanto...

How do you get to the Hoenn in heartgold?

You don't. You can only go to Johto and Kanto.

Can you tell me what are 6 Pokemon from hoenn and Kanto?

I know that torchic and seedot are from the kanto and hoenn regions.