you guys should know more about Goooch fake gps It's only one that I try the work.
Esay to use!
No. You CAN import Pokemon from there, though.
If you mean go to hoenn you can't
you must be talkin about Pokemon soulSilver or heartGold. no there is not a pass to go to hoenn. hoenn is not in the game. sorry -RR14
Yes! it is sortof difficult (you need to get a 1000 win streak at the battle tower to go yo hoenn, 2000 to go to kanto and 3500 to go to johto) but it works. And I don't think you can go to Unova, but at least you can go to hoenn johto and Kanto!
No you can not. You can only stay in Shinno in Platinum. On Pokemon Heart Gold and Soul Silver you can go to Kanto but not Hoenn and Shinno.
flying around hoenn
No but you can connect R/S/E to you pearl by beating the game and migrating your Pokemon at the pal park
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No. You CAN import Pokemon from there, though.
You can't go to Hoenn from Pokemon Diamond/Pearl/Platinum.
Somewhat you can insert a gb game and you can find hoenn Pokemon plus there are pleeny of diffrent Pokemon
Uh...there isn't one...
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As far as I know it's not possible.
no, in Pearl as well as Diamond and Platinum, you can only be in the Sinnoh region
It's not a Hoenn Pokemon. It's actually a Sinnoh Pokemon, being introduced in the 4th generation games (Diamond/Pearl/Platinum).
You can't go to Hoenn in Pokemon HG/SS.