make it hold a soothe bell. make any pokemon hold the soothe bell and it'ss increase it's friendship
You do not need friendship to evolve Eevee into Leafeon. All you need to do is level Eevee in Eterna Forest.
level it up at night with high friendship .To help give it a massage (vielstone city) put it at the front of your party or give it a friendship increasing item . hope this helped
friendship at night
get an eevee and treat it with friendship during the day
To evolve eevee intoVaporeon- Give it a water stoneJolteon- Give it a thunder stoneFlareon- give it a fire stoneUmbreon- give it friendship during the nightimeEspeon- give it friendship during the daytimeLeafeon-battle a Pokemon and win with eevee by the mossy rock in eterna ForrestGlaceon- battle a Pokemon with eevee and win by the icey rock at route 207
You must give eevee lots of friendship and evolve it at night.
You have to have an Eevee. Then you have to level up your Eevee at night with high enough friendship(it has to like you). To see if your Eevee likes you, you have to have the poketecth app Friendship Checker.
You do not need friendship to evolve Eevee into Leafeon. All you need to do is level Eevee in Eterna Forest.
give eevee lots of pills(iron calcim etc.) and let him have friendship.
level it up at night with high friendship .To help give it a massage (vielstone city) put it at the front of your party or give it a friendship increasing item . hope this helped
friendship at night
Level up an Eevee with a high friendship in nighttime. You get an Eevee from Bill
Level up Eevee with high friendship at day (4 A.M-8 P.M.).
Go to the friendship rater.
ur eevee has to evolve from friendship during night
Level up your Eevee with high friendship at night