You can not find milk in Minecraft. Rather, you must craft a bucket and use it on a cow's nipples.
Milk milk milk sugar egg sugar wheat wheat wheat
You can craft cake, which needs milk, wheat, an egg, and sugar (from sugar cane (previously called reeds) here is how to craftM is milk, E is egg, W is wheat, and S is sugarM.M.MS..E..SWWW
Give the cafe owner milk and she'll give you the recipe.
It is three buckets of milk, two sugar, one egg and three wheat. The crafting recipe is: Bucket of Milk-M Sugar-S Egg-E Wheat-W M M M S E S W W W
You can not find milk in Minecraft. Rather, you must craft a bucket and use it on a cow's nipples.
Right click the cow with the bucket.
You shouldn't give dairy to a cat at all. It takes a certain enzyme to digest milk sugars and most cats do not have that enzyme. Cats don't need milk after they are weaned from their Mother. Milk is for baby cows.......not baby cats. Give them all times.
Cats are not made to drink milk. Except only when they are very young and they get the milk from their mother. So I advise you not to feed milk to cats; only water.
By giving it milk.
no because cats are lactosintolaent
I don't give my cat milk but we usually give him meat and pellets he enjoys and its a good diet and he never has any hair balls. Because the fat in the milk usually pulls the hair together once it consumes it. So basically get milk with less lactose in it if you want to give it milk at all.
Its Not good for cats to drink milk unless it Is milk Made For cats otherwise it can make them ill. :)
NO dont give cats milk at all or they will go crazy and scratch you up!!
yesADD:Does the question mean "can you give milk to mother cats for them to drink?" or "do mother cats produce milk?"To the first, it is never a good idea to give a cat cow's milk; many cats are lactose intolerant and can get sick from drinking it. This could be very dangerous to the mother cat and her kittens.To the second, yes, healthy mother cats will produce milk for the kittens. If the mother is struggling or not producing enough, you need to get some Kitten Milk Replacer and bottles from your vet to help the kittens get enough food.
No. Kittens need milk from their mother but after that milk is bad for most cats. A large percent of cats are lactose intolerant so cow milk will make them sick. However, the taste of milk is very appealing to cats so feel free to give it to a non lactose intolerant cat.
Cats do not digest milk meant for humans. It will give the cat diarrhea and gas.