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You need to have the levitation, invisibility and ghost ray powers first. Go to Tanglevine Jungle and use the Ghost Ray power on the pillar near the ghost jaguar who gave you the Ghost Ray power. Then you will get an opal idol. Then go to Jaguar Temple and float over to the platform that has the pile of rocks. Clear away the pile of rocks to get the second opal idol. then float back over to the platform with the giant statue and click on it to place both opal idols inside the eyes. Then you will get the zap power.

then go to a ramdom dizzie and ask them to kiss

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Q: How do you get zap power on dizzywood?
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How do you get Zap on Dizzywood?

There is a mission you can do to get it.

How do you get into the TV room on dizzywood?

You zap the TV which will take you to the dizzywood TV studios

How do you get to skytown in dizzywood?

You get there from the cannon in PRESTO'S EDGE But first the cannon must be charged with the Zap power. You can do this if you have the zap power or you can ask someone else to zap it before you go in. If it is charged, you will go to Skytown after stepping inside the cannon. If not, you will land back down in Presto's Grove.

Where is the skytown in dizzywood?

Use the cannon in prestos edge. but first you have to zap it

How do you get in to sky town cause i cant on dizzywood?

1.Get zap power 2.go to prestos edge put zap on the cannon 3.go inside the cannon 4.u went to skytown bye bye

On dizzywood how do use the powers to the cannon?

if you want to go to sky town zap the cannon. and that's all from pop_129 p.s if you see me on dizzywood be my buddy

How do you get to skatetown in dizzywood the kids website?

Its really easy. Get the zap power or wait for some-one to zap the cannon.( If u don't have zap go on Giggly and wait for someone to charge up the cannon). Then go in the cannon and you get there!!! You will know the cannon's been charged as it will glow gold for maybe a minute.

What to do with the zap power in dizzywood?

1.If you want to go to skytown,click on your zap power in your backpack.Then click on the lightning bolt,on the cannon in presto's edge.(step in fast) 2.Fall into the crystal catacombs,then go to the Eldervine Mines.Then go over the lever in the upper lefthand corner.It will open a sphere with a lightning bolt in it.Use Your zap power to click on it and then the door right next to it will open.If you go in,you'll start playing Jumper.

How many powers can you get on dizzywood?

There are 8 powers in total, that is including both hair skills and the map of Dizzywood, otherwise there are only five: ghost ray, levitation, invisibility, zap and spy eye!

Where is Olivia on Dizzywood?

She is in skytown. But if you don't know wheres skytown you need to zap the cannon then go in and you will launched yourself to the skytown skatepark hoped i'd helped :D (i quit dizzywood for some reason)

Where is the firefly sprite in dizzywood?

The firefly sprite iz in Skytown. If u wanna get to skytown, use zap on the cannon in prestos edge.

Are there a any games like dizzywood? (add me as your buddy plz ,') moshi our (i'll zap u \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\|\ :-)