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~ Well there is a way.... I don't know how to make it COMPLETELY nakey, but, you can make it semi..... (For girls) Use suspenders for boobs. (Both) Buy Embarrassed dream, and use the block outs, or buy Fallen Wish and use Porn Stars for boobs, and Star Junk for... lower parts o-o Then you can get cloud and use the cloud stuff.... That's all I can think of really.... o-o

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Q: How do you get your gaia avatar naked?
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How do you make a naked avatar on Gaia online?

SO many people wonder that, but you can not make a naked avatar on g-a-i-a online! It isn't a porn game where all the avatars can rot some peoples brains. It's just a game. No porn.

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Go to the category "My Gaia," then click on "Avatar." You will then be taken to where you can customize your avatar with the clothing you have.

How do you edit a gaia avatar?

Clicking the Avatar itself will take you to the editing page of your Avatar.

What is the URL to delete your gaia avatar?

Log into Gaia Online. Hover over MY GAIA and then go to ACCOUNT SETTINGS. Scroll down until you see AVATAR GENDER. Then in the paragragh, you will see DELETING YOUR AVATAR which is in blue with an underline. Click on that.

How do you make your avatar naked on gaiaonline?

You cant, but if you hit "get nekked" you are in your underwear in a boy, and underwear and a bra if you're a girl.WHOEVER SAID THIS IS LYING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU CAN BECOME COMPLETELY NAKED, BUT ALAS, I HAVE NOT YET FOUND THE WAY TO DO IT... IM SORRY I CANNOT BE OF ANY HELP MY FRIEND... D:

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you can not equip a fishing rod to your avatar its not possible

How do you get your avatar url on gaia?

i don't know can't remember but try asking on gaia i have a gaia account if you wan't to know its dratal98 (if there are hackers reading this screw off)

How can you get good arena votes on gaia online?

Enter an original and amazing avatar.

Do you keep your items when you delete your gaia avatar?

Yes, You keep all your items.

Naked cheats for imvu?

You need to buy a naked avatar from the cataloge they are not very expenisve.

How do you change your mouth on gaia?

there's a icon below your avatar when you go to dress up.

Can you give me some avatar chat games for free with no download?

Gaia online is one...