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Every major dungeon has atleast one wing bottle in a treasure chest. you can also make wing bottles from din's shop. I think its either in the 'battle item', or 'bottle' category.

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Q: How do you get wing bottles in Tales of the Abyss?
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How do you get Mieu Wing in Tales of the Abyss?

I belive it's an attack that Mieu learns, not sure when though. **On your second time through Tataroo Valley, when you first venture across the log bridge to the new area, watch for a large boulder against the north side in the area; use your mieu smash to open the area, inside you'll find a fonon cluster to get Mieu Wing.

How do you get Mieu fire 2 in Tales of the Abyss?

its a poor choice of words, unfortunately. what the cheagle means is that with the 'easygoing waitress' (i think that's what its called, whatever title you win from the waitressing minigame in the keterburg hotel) title equipped and tear as the on-screen character, a musical note will appear above tear's head in spots where you're able to use mieu wing.

What is the Action replay d s game code for From the Abyss?

From the Abyss (NA) Game ID: YVSE-4E774048 From the Abyss (JAP) Game ID: YVSJ-93010FF5

What characters fight Olcadan in tales of souls on Soul Calibur 3?

All characters in the standard SC3 roster (besides abyss and Olcadan(perhaps)) are able to fight olcadan if they follow their specific path to night terror and DO NOT LOSE! And for some reason don't ring out your 6th opponent.In such case here is Nightmare's path of choices:1. seek strong souls2. Continue working ti recover strength in this land3. regain a bit more power in this land4. You don't have to stop after Voldo, but remember do NOT LOSE!5. Cut down the boastful man as a warning to others6. Further in7. further inFor Mitsurugi:1. Choose second choice2. Repeat as necessary3. Again to stop is up to you For Kilik: Defeat TalimProceed to where you battled Soul Edge beforeDefeat BerserkerDefeat ZasalamelChoose to follow himChoose to investigate NightmareDefeat Yun SeongChoose to stop (If you really want to get Night Terror, don't stop. Don't take any chances if you're not that good.)Defeat Keres (?)Defeat CervantesDefeat RockChoose to find the warrior in questionDefeat Unknown SoulChoose to proceed further inDefeat RaphaelDefeat OlcadanDefeat ZasalamelDefeat Night Terror And if you are one of those people who don't have olcadan or abyss then here's how to get them Either play 575 battles to get olcadan then complete tales of souls to get abyss. Or get 725 battles to get abyss and olcadan and not complete tales of souls...... How to get every character's last wep. (not Abyss) Battle Night Terror and defeat Night Terror in tales of souls to get that last wep. for the character you defeat it with. (The Last Wep. for the characters THE ANCIENT) A (Wep. that best fits the Character)

How do you get rose petals on adventure quest worlds?

the abyss password

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Can you be the six god generals in tales of abyss?

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