Water is a found above land in many biomes such as swamp biomes, and desert biomes and tundra biomes and ice biomes. You can also break ice for water you can also go to a river or ocean.
Lava is underground around bedrock level so it just has to be dug around for. You can also check in ravines.
When water meets a lava 'block', the lava is converted into an obsidian block. If water meets 'flowing' lava then the lava is turned into cobblestone.
Put a block of anything into the hole that the lava is coming out of and it will stop. Works with water falls also.
Obsidian is created whenever water flows on top of still lava.
Its a fluid block. you need mcpatcher to change water or lava.
You can find lava underground.
When water meets a lava 'block', the lava is converted into an obsidian block. If water meets 'flowing' lava then the lava is turned into cobblestone.
When water is spread on top of lava it creates obsidian but when water and lava collide side to side it creates cobblestone
Right click a bucket on water and you have a bucked filled with water. Right click a bucket on lava and you have a bucked filled with lava.
type /water or /lava
Put a block of anything into the hole that the lava is coming out of and it will stop. Works with water falls also.
When a volcano erupts the lava usually reaches water and when they collide it turns into obsidian (I know because of minecraft).
Obsidian is created whenever water flows on top of still lava.
There are 257 items in Minecraft as of 1.4 (excluding mods), including things like pickaxe, lava, water, etc. There is quite a bunch of items in Minecraft!
Water can be used to make traps, Hydrate fields, elevators, putting out lava and fires etc
Its a fluid block. you need mcpatcher to change water or lava.
You can find lava underground.
look at water,lava,a cow an press LT