

Best Answer

Well, you can't get it by a wild Pokemon or an egg. You have to find an Eevee. To

get Eevee, you need to go to Celadon City. When you get there, go right up the

little path until you find a patch of dirt. Walk into it, then get to the top by climbing

up all the stairs until you reach the top. When you get to the top, talk to the guy in

the little building on top, and there will be a PokeBall sitting on the table. Pick it

up, and you now have an Eevee. To get Vaporeon, go to the Department Store in

Celadon City, and buy a Water Stone and then give it to Eevee.

Hope this helped :)

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Q: How do you get vaporeon in Pokemon LeafGreen?
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What can Eevee evolve into in Pokemon LeafGreen?

- Jolteon- Flareon- Vaporeon- Ubreon- Espeon

Where do you find a vaperon in Pokemon LeafGreen?

You can't find vaporeon you need to use a water stone on an Evee to make it become Vaporeon.

Can Eevee evolve into Glaceon in Pokemon LeafGreen?

Unfortuanlty, no. Eevee can only evolve into three different Pokemon in Leafgreen- Vaporeon, Jolteon, and Flareon. Hope this helps. -Mewtwometwo

How do you evol ve evee in Pokemon LeafGreen?

with a water stone into vaporeon a fire stone into flareon a electric stone into jolteon

Is vaporeon real?

Vaporeon is a Pokemon... Pokemon are not real things.... so no vaporeon is not real...

What is the best eeve in Pokemon LeafGreen?

Vaporeon because it can learn more than just water type moves and it has great stats.

What does evee evolve into in Pokemon FireRed and LeafGreen?

evee can evole into three things in firered and leafgreen. it can evolve into flareon if you use the fire stone, jolteon if you use the thunder stone, or vaporeon if you use the water stone.

Where is vaporeon on Pokemon?

you cant just catch a vaporeon unless you Pokemon modify or cheat. the only way to get vaporeon is to get an eevee and use a water stone on it.

Can you trade Pokemon LeafGreen with Pokemon LeafGreen?

Yes you can trade leafgreen version Pokemon to another leafgreen version.

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What Pokemon can be bread with a male Vaporeon?

ditto, female eevee, flareon, jolteon, or vaporeon

Can other Pokemon can breed with vaporeon?

Yes, many other Pokemon can breed with Vaporeon. So many that I cannot type them all here. (Well I could but I just don't feel like it). But you can find all the Pokemon breedable with Vaporeon on Just look up Vaporeon and scroll down to the very bottom and look at Egg Groups. It shows all Pokemon Breedable with Vaporeon.