AdventureQuest happened in 2002.
Use the BattleOn Forums, AdventureQuest section. Use the Q+A.
u cannot get vampire class any more sadly :( i do wish all the rare stuff can come back for like 1 week or something :P
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/join frostdeep
go to barbers
Go youtube,then type search"aqworlds how to get no class?"
In AdventureQuest Worlds, it's not possible to become a vampire or a werewolf if you are already a Werepyre. Once you choose your classification, your character stays within that specific class.
if you're a vampire you can't go there you need to be cured other wise you can go there
Games like DragonFable, Adventurequest, Adventurequest world.
/join stalagbite
kapa ninja
move in with a vampire i think
Yes, there is a vampire armour, and a werewolf head morph. I think there is even a vampire class.
With the next release there will be a vampire slayer class
AdventureQuest happened in 2002.