If you throw one object at him for 1 hour nonstop, then you will receive 50 coins
If you earn coins and buy new stuff to complete the challenges, and the checklist you win!
You can not get unlimited. Coins
You must have enough coins. (More and more items will be added every few updates)
You have to hit the Jerk's face with the fan.
To get the hands on head taunt in Office Jerk you have to miss with everything you start off with plus the fan, and the scoreboard.
GO TO SETTINGS, click date and time and set it for one day earlier and get into office jerk and you'll get a free coin!!! Kelp reapetedly doing this and you will get unlimited coins
hey just got office jerk today and you look in the bottem left corner at the piggy bank alright that is how it is on the ipod
You need 15 coins to buy the golf ball.
If you earn coins and buy new stuff to complete the challenges, and the checklist you win!
You can not get unlimited. Coins
You must have enough coins. (More and more items will be added every few updates)
You get unlimited coins by working hard and playing games!
It will not let you get unlimited coins but the RC developers said that there is a bug known to hack coins but was fixed later..And why do you even want unlimited coins just use your credit cards.
The unlimited production of silver coins will eventually lead to them being invaluable.
Buy the golf ball first never the brain or octopus mainly every thing you need to for the check list
You have to hit the Jerk's face with the fan.
gold coins r real