Marathon Man - Unlimited SprintMarathon Man Pro - Unlimited Sprint + Climb obstacles faster
No he doesn't do a voice in Modern Warfare 2.
mw2 platinum is platinum
There are no golden weapons in Modern Warfare 2.
The Call of Duty Reflex Edition was the first Modern Warfare game for the Nintendo Wii and is not a Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 although it was released at that time
Only your Mum can
yes there is care package glitch and unlimited ammo.
No there are none that I know of
Well you can't now as it is patched
Marathon Man - Unlimited SprintMarathon Man Pro - Unlimited Sprint + Climb obstacles faster
You have to get it by Moded matchs, pretty rare, but keep lookin, and your bound to find one.
Modern warfare reflex and modern warfare are the same. Modern warfare "reflex" means that its for wii. If its just modern warfare its for the other consoles
Modern warfare 2
modern warfare 2 is better .
Modern Warfare 2
modern warfare 2