Clear all of your browsers cookies then use a proxy webbrowser (Just Google proxy webbrowser)
IMPORTANT to clear your cookies because scratch inserts a "YOUR BANNED" cookie in your webbrowser.
Hope this helped!
There are not many things you can do to get unbanned from Omegle. You can try to write to customer support and ask to be unbanned. They may let you back on.
torose password99 I promise its real and AND UNBANNED
There is no way to get unbanned from a Steam ban. This ban is known as a "Vac Ban" and stays on that account.
yes you can get unbanned theres a website but i forgot the name
You can't get unbanned from Warez.
There are not many things you can do to get unbanned from Omegle. You can try to write to customer support and ask to be unbanned. They may let you back on.
If you get a temporary ban, after your turn is up, you are automatically unbanned.
No. i am banned so i tryed but it did not work. you cant get unbanned.
I think not got banned for a year still unbanned :/ ~lukyemo
There is no possible way to get unbanned. Once your banned, your banned, you can't redo your mistake that got you banned.
There is no way to get unbanned earlier. Like they always say if you do the crime, you have to do the time.
torose password99 I promise its real and AND UNBANNED
you cant ever get unbanned cause if you hack to get unbanned they will catch you again and ban u cause that's what happewned 2 me! or try buying or earning treats
On Bin weevils how do you get a Permanent chat unbanned?
U cant i dont think, you are unbanned from the room after 30 minutes tho :]