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train an eevee to lvl 40 but: it must be night when it turns lvl 40

You also must talk to the Pokemon salon guys three times.

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Q: How do you get umbreon in crystal?
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How do you get umbreon in Pokemon Crystal?

To get Umbreon in Pokemon Crystal, you need to evolve an Eevee into an Umbreon. Eevee evolves into Umbreon when it levels up with high friendship during the night or when leveled up with a Moon Shard. To increase friendship, you can keep Eevee in your party, use it in battles, give it vitamins, and avoid letting it faint. Make sure to level up Eevee during the night to evolve it into Umbreon.

What is Umbreon weakness in Pokémon Crystal?

Since Umbreon is a Dark-type, it has a disadvantage against Fighting and Bug-type Pokémon.

Can you evolve eevee into an umbreon in Pokemon Yellow?

no it cannot it can only evolve into jolteon, vaporeon, and flareon. it is not until gold, silver, and crystal that you can get umbreon and espeon.

How do you get umbreon pokemon crystal?

You'll need a Eevee and make it happy at night time.

How do you evole a Eevee into a umbreon?

eh! i want Umbreon somebody please answer! You must have an evee that has max friendship with its trainer evolve during the nighttime so this means you can only get umbreon in ruby, sapphire, emerald, diamond, pear, platinum, heartgold, soulsilver and the original gold, silver and crystal.

Can you rate my Pokemon Crystal team?

My future team will be Meganium Arcanine Red Gyarados Dragonair Crobat Umbreon/Espeon

Where do you get eveon in poke'mon crystal?

there is no such thing as eveon but to get evee go to the little house by the game corner then talk to bill he'll give it to you but the new evee evolutions in crystal are espeon and umbreon to evolve evee into espeon you level it up when it has a high amount of happiness, level it up in the day time and for umbreon same thing but night time and for all the others use stones

How do you get a moon shard in Pokemon Crystal?

You can only get the Shards in Pokemon XD. To evolve Espeon/Umbreon you must level them up during the daylight/night hours.

How do you evolve umbreon?

umbreon doesn't evolve.Sorry.

Does Eevee evolves on level 45 on Pokemon Crystal?

no eevee evolves by doing any of these 1,firestone=flareon 2,waterstone=vaporeon 3,thunderstone=jolteon Now, umbreon and espeon evolves at level 36 if u take eeve from BILL 4,happieness level up at night=umbreon 5,happieness level up at day=espeon they are all the eeveelutions in crystal

Who is umbreon?

Umbreon is the dark type evolution of Eevee

Where to find umbreon in FireRed?

You have to trade eevee to a game with a time system (ruby, sappire, emrald, gold silver crystal, diamond, pearl or platinum) and raise it up at night.