You kill things. Bury the bones, sell the stuff they drop and grab the coins.
You can do it.
Clicking ain't too hard.
You should be able tto download it as soon as you've paid for it.
in Pokemon blue version the item ether is used to restore PP of your pokemons selected move it has a one time use and i recomend you save them for the elite four because you are unable tto heal between battles hope this helps
yes, tto save it tho you would have to go to the run in the bottom left corner and type in %appdata%, click roaming and save the .minecraft, and when you would like to play it, put the .minecraft back where you took it from.
OK. This is what happens; you beat ALL the gym leaders, and then you go to MT. silver and once you get in the cave, you take a RIGHT, EAST WHATEVER U CALL IT. Then, find your way up to the top of MT. silver and you battle......... I CANT TELL YOU! HA HA HA! Then you go tto professor Oaks lab, get a kanto starter, then u go 2 saffron, go to silph co. and go to the counter. You meet a man that will give you a hoenn starter. (the color represents what type it is like green is treeko.) AND THAT IS IT P.S. if u take a left, you get moltres. DO THAT FIRST!
u must make friends with your eevee at night time. if u don't have eevee then go to hearthome city and talk to the lady in the house next to the Pokemon center. if u already did that then get the national pokedex after seeing all sinnoh Pokemon. go tto Pokemon mansion and save the game. talk to mr blacklot and he tells about a Pokemon in his trophy garden. if its not eevee, turn the game off and keep trying until he mentions an eevee.Clearing up some fog...To make it happy you can give it Zincs, HP Ups, stuff like that. A girl in Veilstone will give it a massage. Give it poffins it likes. (You make poffins in Hearthome.) After you think (or check the Pokefriend App thing XD) that its happy enough (2 hearts on the App) You level it up (yes, rare candies work too) and it should evolve!Hope I helped!!Found most of it out by my self..
time to own
TTO stands for 'To take out' They are the drugs that a patient goes home from hospital with.
TTO = Twist To Open A reference to how the butterfly doors open on the head when changing blades
grab his butt
Tto conserve the wild life.
Sports brand 'Lotto'.
ブリジット /bu ri je-tto/
Tanker takes over
pe tto or in katakana, "ペット"
Depending on pronunciation, if it reads 'lee-zet' it would be リゼット /ri ze-tto/, if it reads 'lee-set' it would be リセット /ri se-tto/.
IT means talkt tto you later hugs and kisses