once your togepi evolves into togetic let him or her level up five times and then use a sun stone on it.
It's impossible you need to migrate it to Diamond or Pearl and give it a Shiny stone to make it evolve into a Togekiss.
Buneary, Mamoswine, Pachirisu, cyndaquil, togekiss ( I have no clue when she will get Togekiss), and Piplup.
Togekiss is a Generation 4 Pokemon, so it's impossible. (That and the Shiny Stone doesn't exist before that Generation.)
togetic and togekiss
Roselia to Roserade and Togetic to Togekiss
The champion is Pokemon Diamond, Pearl and Platinum, is Cynthia. She has various Pokemon-types. She is the Sinnoh Champion. Her Pokemon are Spiritomb, Lucario, Togekiss, Milotic, Garchomp and Roserade. In Platinum, Cynthia has a Togekiss. In Diamond and Pearl, she has a Gastrodon.
It evolves into Togetic and then in later versions of Pokemon like Diamond/White it turns into Togekiss.
It's impossible you need to migrate it to Diamond or Pearl and give it a Shiny stone to make it evolve into a Togekiss.
You can't find Togekiss in Pokemon Black or White. You have to transfer from Pokemon Soulsilver, Heart Gold, Pearl or Diamond.
After Togekiss Pokemon number 262 is Porygon-Z.
you use the shiny stone to evolve togetic into togekiss and i think there are a few others but that's the one i remember, i lost my diamond so i haven't played in awhile :\
You can't. Togekiss is a final evolution
You cannot catch nut togekiss is easily evolved from a togetic all you have to do is use one of the two shiny stones that are possible to get diamond/pearl to evolve it (I also suggest using the other one to evolve your Roselia into a Roserade) Hope I helped :)
Bug Types Ground Types Fire Types Type Psychic And Garchomp Togekiss Spiritomb and other 3 that I don't remember.