First you have to get Giratina in the disortion world then you go to lake valor and you use surf and then you see the cavern.
Go to lake valor...
dont you mean lake valor and lake valor is either near your home its near snowpoint city or its near that safari zone city
Its Girafarig. It can be found on Route 221, or on Valor Lakefront.
In Platinum, Houndour is found on Route 214 and in Lake Valor.
sorry but u cant
In the lake valor cavern
There isn't a place called Lake Cavern, unless you meant the caverns in Lake Acuity, Lake Valor, and Lake Verity. Every lake has the cavern in the center of the lake and will have the trio inside in each when they have been released.
Valor Lakefront
Lake Valor is the big lake above Pastoria city.
Go to lake valor...
dont you mean lake valor and lake valor is either near your home its near snowpoint city or its near that safari zone city
Its Girafarig. It can be found on Route 221, or on Valor Lakefront.
In Platinum, Houndour is found on Route 214 and in Lake Valor.
you can catch lake Pokemon after you free them in the team galatic veilstone HQ building in the 3 lakes of sinnoh at (snowpoint city uixie in lake acuicty cavern around pastoria city in lake valor cazern for azelf and mesprit is around twinlesf town in the lake verity cavern)
by a shiny stone in lake valor
lake valor [use pok'e radar]