You have to enter Mt. Coronet from the Hearthome City entrance (aka on the right side of the Mt ) and then go to the upper right hand corner. The rest of the way is pretty much set.
mt. coronet, peak 1, in the grass, need poke radar
Climb the mountain and follow the trail of Galactic Grunts. You'll reach the top eventually.
enter mt. coronet from the hearthome side and use rock climb to get into another part of mt. coronet but if you haven't beaten Cyrus in veilstone city team galactic HQ then there will be a picture on the wall blocking the maze up mt. coronet the rest is up to you hope this helped
it is easy all you have to do is go through Mt. coronet when you get outside to the snow you'll see rock climbing walls (you need HM rock climb) you will see caves but just pass them, after you climb all rock walls you will see one cave enter it . After entering the cave you will fight team galactic then at the end of the cave you will find Palkia.that will be the peak.
Buy lots of ultra balls and health-restoring items . Fly to oreburg city. Go north to route 207. Bike up the ramp. Then go right. Surf on the water in Mt. Coronet. Rock climb on the wall and continue past the snow and up to the peak. You will battle Cyrus and Palkia or Dialga there.
you have 2 go 2 the peak of mount coronet but there r instructions on a website just type in HOW DO I GET TO THE PEAK OF MOUNT CORONET ON POKEMON DIAMOND FOR DS and it will tell you how
If you mean distortion world the go to mount coronet's peak in Pokemon platinum
you will need the azure flute at the spear pilar, at the peak of mount coronet
mt. coronet, peak 1, in the grass, need poke radar
the peak of mount coronet before you try getting there i want to remind you you need gym bade #7 and gotta do a couple missions oh and use master ball to capture it
Lol later on in your journey you will have to travel up to the peak of mount coronet, (the spear pillar). don't just go now, wait until the prof. tells you too, because otherwise there will be no point:)
Climb the mountain and follow the trail of Galactic Grunts. You'll reach the top eventually.
At the peak of Mt. Coronet.
Go to Hearthrome, West, follow path, surf (there is a rectangle of water near the entrance), Keep on going,you'll need waterfall to climb the waterfall ,then you will reach the peak. At the top is spear pillar where you can catch Dialga.
If you don't know the name im thinking it's Palkia the Aqua Dragon pokemon, you have to go to the peak of mount coronet.... It's called Spear Pillar
Mt. Coronet (middle) peak
The way is blocked until you have seven gym badges and complete the Team Galactic plot, which ends at the peak of Coronet Mountain. After that, you can just walk there.