After you defeat Tate and Liza, stop by the Pokemon Center to rest up your team. Then, head over to the Space Center. You'll see Team Magma running there as your approach. Battle the grunts on the first floor. Team Magma Grunt
Zubat: Level 31
Poochyena: Level 31 Team Magma Grunt
Numel: Level 32 Team Magma Grunt
Baltoy: Level 32 Team Magma Grunt
Mightyena: Level 26
Mightyena: Level 28
Numel: Level 30 On the next floor, you'll get triple-teamed. Team Magma Grunt
Zubat: Level 32 Team Magma Grunt
Mightyena: Level 32 Team Magma Grunt
Baltoy: Level 32 Go talk to Steven in the lower left corner. You'll find out why Team Magma wants the Rocket Fuel. Time to team up with Steven to prevent them from blowing up the volcano. Select three Pokemon (Water Type, if possible) and join forces. Magma Leader Maxie and Team Admin Tabitha (simultaneous)
Mightyena: Level 42
Crobat: Level 43
Camerupt: Level 44
Camerupt: Level 36
Mightyena: Level 38
Golbat: Level 40 After leading Team Magma down the path of righteousness, go to Steven's house to get HM08 (Dive). Now that you can Dive...
Return to Route 124, the seaway that brought you here. Now, whenever you see a dark patch of water while using Surf, you can Dive and explore the seafloor. By resurfacing in the right place, you can access places you've never been before. To resurface, just trigger Dive again. In order to find the treasures that the hunter is seeking, search for the dark spots. Dive in each one you see. Even if there seems to be nothing once you dive, check the bottom of the sea floor. If it looks like there is a slight depression in the ground, there is some buried treasure there. Press A to dig it up. You can get Heart Scales, Big Pearls and more this way. If you dive and there is a tunnel, follow it and surface at the far end. This will allow you to get behind the craggy rocks that bar passage to the north and south. The Yellow Shard is in the northeast, the Red Shard is in the northwest and the Blue Shard is in the southwest. When you have them all, take them back to the Treasure Hunter. He'll trade the Red Shard for a Firestone, the Blue Shard for a Waterstone, and the Yellow Shard for a Thunderstone. When you finish with him, Surf again, following the coast around until you're north of Mossdeep City. You'll soon be on Route 125. ---- Route 125
Wild Pokemon: Tentacool, Wailmer, Wingull, Relicanth, Pelipper, Magikarp The whole purpose for Route 125 is to allow you to get up to Shoal Cave. However, there are some good trainer fights here as well. Make sure to explore the seas to the northeast to find everyone. Swimmer Tanya
Luvdisc: Level 34 Swimmer Sharon
Seaking: Level 34 Swimmer Nolen
Tentacruel: Level 34 Swimmer Cody
Staryu: Level 34
Wingull: Level 34 Sailor Ernest
Wingull: Level 33
Machoke: Level 33 Swimmer Stan
Horsea: Level 34 Sr. and Jr. Kim & Iris (Simultaneous)
Numel: Level 35
Swablu: Level 32 Near Stan is an island with a Big Pearl and two trainers. Expert Auran
Manectric: Level 33
Machamp: Level 33 Birdkeeper Presley
Tropius: Level 33
Xatu: Level 33 ----
Shoal Cave
The entrance to the cave is right behind Sr. and Jr. Kim and Iris. When you first enter the cave, you'll meet an old man who wants you to bring him Shoal Salts and Shoal Shells. Bring him four of each, and he'll make you a Shell Bell. Depending on what time of the day it is, the cave may be flooded or bone dry, because of the tide. Therefore, different areas and items will be available during the wet and dry times. When it's dry, you will not be able to reach high ledges. However, you will be able to go down ladders in the floor that let you dig deep into the bowels of the cavern. Search the nether regions to find Ice Heal, and the Shoal Salt you'll need for the old man (the Shoal Shells can be gotten when the tide is high). You'll also run into a man who gives you Focus Band, which helps prevent fainting. To the east of the Focus Band chap, you'll encounter a boulder. Use Strength to move it aside, and continue down the ladder. The next cave is completely covered in ice. The problem is, the second you set foot on the ice, you go shooting across. Therefore, you have to use rocks and other debris to stop yourself in order to negotiate your way across each area. By successfully navigating the room, you'll gain the Nevermeltice and TM07 (Hail), both of which are worth the trip. When the cave is wet, you'll be able to move around and collect all of the Shoal Shells you need for the old man. Bring him all the ingredients and he'll whip up a Shell Bell. During high tide, you'll also be able to score a Rare Candy and Big Pearl. Treasure from the deep! When you're done with Shoal Cave, head to the south of Mossdeep City and then head south to Route 127. ---- Route 127
Route 127 is a super-wide seaway with lots of trainers bobbing about. When you first enter it, stick to the west side of the passage and search the reef area (the light blue region) to find a Zinc. Directly south from here are two trainers guarding a Rare Candy. Bird Keeper Aiden
Swellow: Level 32
Skarmory: Level 32 Cooltrainer Athena
Manectric: Level 32
Linoone: Level 32 Just a short distance southwest of this fight is the entrance to Route 126, so keep that in mind. For now, however, finish searching the remainder of 127. Head across the water to the east and loop under the long, vertical island here to find a large, horizontal island with plenty of shoreline. On the north, east and south reefs, you'll discover trainers. Remember, anywhere you see a dark place while Surfing can be explored with Dive. See what's on that ocean floor! Fisherman Roger
Magikarp: Level 15
Magikarp: Level 25
Gyrados: Level 35 Fisherman Jonah
Wailmer: Level 30
Tentacool: Level 31
Sharpedo: Level 32 Fisherman Henry
Tentacruel: Level 34
Carvahna: Level 31 When you are done here, head south until you reach another sandy island bunch. En route, you'll discover one trainer, and another will await you on the beach. Triathlete Camden
Staryu: Level 33
Staryu: Level 33 Black Belt Koji
Machoke: Level 34 Off the northeast corner of this island is a circular dive spot. Drop down it and surface at the other side, then explore the area to find a small island. Here, you'll find Carbos. Once you have them, go back through the underwater passage and return to the main seaway, and head south. Only one more trainer remains on 127. Triathlete Donny
Staryu: Level 33
Staryu: Level 33
Wingull: Level 26
Staryu: Level 34 ---- Route 128
Route 128 is another wide passage of water. There are two small islands on either side of the dark stripe of water that leads south. On each of them is a trainer. Cooltrainer Ruben
Shiftry: Level 34
Nosepass: Level 34 Cooltrainer Alexa
Gloom: Level 34
Azumarill: Level 34 South of Alexa, you'll find another trainer. Beat her and continue east until you find an island with another trainer. Triathlete Isaiah
Staryu: Level 35 In between the islands to the east are three more trainerstrainers. Fisherman Wayne
Tentacool: Level 31
Tentacool: Level 31
Wailmer: Level 36 Triathlete Katelyn
Staryu: Level 35 Swimmer Harrison
Tentacruel: Level 35 Swimmer Carlee
Seaking: Level 35 When you have defeated the trainers, dive in the deep water near Isaiah. You've discovered a secret passage! Go inside the cave, and you'll find the stolen submarine. The Team went ashore here, so you should, too. Dive again to go to the surface and give chase. ---- Seafloor Cavern
Seafloor Cavern is a subterranean cave deep beneath the waves. Go into the cave entrance to get things started. The cavern is somewhat maze-like, and constantly requires the use of Rock Smash and Strength. Keep the Pok?mon who know those skills handy! As you wind through the passages... you guessed it. You get to take on a Grunt! Team Aqua Grunt
Poochyena: Level 36 After you beat the first one, go through the cave door behind him. Move boulders and smash rocks in the next room to get to the upper left exit and go through. You'll arrive in a watery room full of very strong currents. The goal is to reach the upper left exit using the currents. The next room has two grunts waiting to attack you. Team Aqua Grunt
Mightyena: Level 35
Golbat: Level 35 Aqua Admin Shelley
Sharpedo: Level 37
Mightyena: Level 37 Once Shelley falls, go past her and into another boulder puzzle cave. In the next misty cave, you'll discover TM26 (Earthquake). Then make your way all the way south to see what the dastardly Archie is up to now. You'll have to battle him, now. Aqua Leader Archie
Mightyena: Level 41
Crobat: Level 41
Sharpedo: Level 43 When the fight concludes, the Orb begins to shine, and the ancient statue disappears. Outside, the weather is going crazy. Looks like the Team did it this time! Luckily, they are kind enough to transport you back outside. When they do, Steven swoops in and asks what's going on. Steven tells you that the source of the problem is above Sootopolis. Time to head over there. Remember where Route 126 is (west of 127)? Head over there now. Note: You may want to Fly back to Mossdeep City and heal your Pok?mon or stock up on Potions and the like before heading over there. ---- Route 126
Route 126 is a large, circular area with a dormant volcano at its center. In the interest of getting to the action quickly, use a Max Repel when traveling so you won't be slowed by random Pokemon encounters. The trainers found in this area are: Swimmer Nikki
Marill: Level 33
Spheal: Level 33 Swimmer Dean
Carvanha: Level 31
Carvanha: Level 31
Wingull: Level 31 Triathlete Isabel
Staryu: Level 34 Swimmer Leonardo
Carvanha: Level 34 Swimmer Sienna
Luvdisc: Level 33
Luvdisc: Level 33 Triathlete Pablo
Staryu: Level 33
Staryu: Level 33 Swimmer Barry
Gyrados: Level 34 The last trainer, you'll have to dive on the west side of the island, swim north and take the left fork.Once you are there, pick up the Heart Scale, then resurface and follow the path around to find this lady. Swimmer Brenda
Goldeen: Level 34 After you down the trainers, look for the ring of dark water encircling the volcano. Swim to the southern part of the ring and dive to find the entrance to Sootopolis City. Enter and then surface to see it in all its glory. ---- Sootopolis City
The Gym sits on an island in the center of a body of water as you surface. But you can't get in. You can get to the Mart if you like. Pokémon Mart
Here's what's for sale at the Mart: Ultra Ball: 1200
Hyper Potion: 1200
Max Potion: 2500
Full Heal: 600
Revive: 1500
Max Repel: 700
X Attack: 500
X Defend: 550
Shadow Mail: 50 Instead of going to the gym, head to the left and look for Steven. He'll bring you to the Cave of Origin. ---- Cave of Origin
Inside the cave, you may want to use Repels to get the job done faster. In the first area, make your way to the down ladder. Repeat this in the next room The cave below is quite misty. In the misty area, it's the same idea. On the south end of the room, you'll meet Wallace who will tell you about Rayquaza. Tell him Rayquaza might be in the Sky Pillar. He'll take off and ask you to follow.Before you leave, you might want to stop by the Pokemon Center or Mart. ---- Sootopolis City/ Route 128
To track the Rayquaza down, you'll have to go to Route 129. From Sootopolis City, go east until you reach Route 128, then head south to Route 129. ---- Route 129
Most of the time, Route 129 does not hold any surprises. There are a few swimming trainers, though Triathlete Allison
Wingull: Level 27
Staryu: Level 33 Swimmer Reed
Sharpedo: Level 33
Spheal: Level 33 Swimmer Tisha
Chinchou: Level 34 Swimmer Clarence
Sharpedo: Level 34 Triathlete Chase
Wingull: Level 26
Staryu: Level 34 ---- Route 130/ Mirage Island
Route 130 is similar to Route 129. It's just a large stretch of water with some trainers bobbing in it. The difference between this and normal water routes is that sometimes you'll find a large island at its center. This place is called Mirage Island, and it's home to some roaming Wynauts, in addition to the rare Liechi Berry. If you score some Berries, be sure to plant them all over Hoenn... in areas more accessible than this peek-a-boo archipelago. Mirage Island rarely shows up, so take advantage of it if it does appear by capturing the rare Pokemon there. Of course, there are trainers on this stretch as well. Swimmer Kate
Goldeen: Level 33
Spheal: Level 33 Swimmer Rodney
Tentacruel: Level 33
Wailmer: Level 33 Swimmer Rodney
Gyrados: Level 34 ---- Route 131
Route 131 leads up the ocean town of Pacifidlog. Again, there are water-based trainers afloat here. Triathlete Talia
Staryu: Level 34 Swimmer Kevin
Spheal: Level 34 Swimmer Richard
Pelipper: Level 34 Swimmer Kara
Seaking: Level 34 Swimmer Herman
Wingull: Level 33
Tentacruel: Level 33 Swimmer Susie
Luvdisc: Level 34 Sis and Bro Reli & Ian
Azumarill: Level 35
Wingull: Level 33 ---- Pacifidlog Town
Pacifidlog Town is an oasis of sorts in this long, long series of waterways. Stop at the Pokemon Center to recharge your team, then visit the houses to grab some knowledge and goodies. The man in the southeast cabin is looking for Mirage Island. If he says he sees it, head east again and explore the island. In the middle house, a girl asks you to trade a Bagon for her Horsea. Bagon are pretty rare, but so are Horsea. Your call. When you finish there, move to the house on the southwest corner of town. Make sure you have your best Pok?mon in the first position, then talk to the man here. If he thinks your relationship with your first Pok?mon is good, he'll give you TM27 (Return). If it doesn't, he'll give you TM21 (Frustration). You'll actually want them both. Talk to him again, and he'll tell you to return in a number of days to get a new TM. Mark it on your calendar! When you're done here, plop in the water to the east. Time to Surf to the Sky Pillar. ---- Sky Pillar
Go east out of the town until you see a passage north. Follow that back to the west and you'llfind the Sky Pillar. Go through the first cave and Wallace will come talk to you and let youknow that he has opened the door. Make your way up the tower. On the fourth floor, drop through the floorto access the unreachable staircase on the third floor. Continue up from there. When youget to the Rayquaza, it will awaken and fly off! To catch Rayquaza, you'll have to come back after becoming the League Champion. Fly back to Sootopolis to see what is going on. ---- Sootopolis City
Go to the gym and talk to the Team Magma and Aqua leaders. Wallace will give you the HM 07 (Waterfall) and tell you to go fight the Gym Leader. ---- Pokémon Gym #8
Prize: Rain Badge
Gym Leader: Juan
This gym is stocked with Water-Type Pokemon, so obviously the best cats to bring to play would be Grass and Electric types. But if you have a hefty, leveled-up Pokemon who outstrips the Gym trainers by many levels, it can be a powerful force even if it's slightly off-type. The area in the Gym is coated by a thin sheet of ice, and you can't step on the same square twice. In order to get up the next staircase, you'll have to touch each square on the floor once without touching any of them twice. Then, a staircase will appear. You can skip battles by strategically making your way across the floor. If you don't, you'll fall through and have to face everyone. Here are how the battles play out: First Level: Beauty Connie
Goldeen: Level 40 Lass Andrea
Luvdisc: Level 40 Second Level: Pokefan Annika
Feebas: Level 39
Feebas: Level 39 Lady Daphne
Luvdisc: Level 39
Luvdisc: Level 39 Third Level: Beauty Tiffany:
Carvahna: Level 39
Sharpedo: Level 39 Beauty Olivia
Clamperl: Level 35
Corphish: Level 37
Lombre: Level 39 Beauty Bridget
Azumarill: Level 40 Lass Crissy
Goldeen: Level 39
Wailmer: Level 39 Lady Briana
Seaking: Level 40 Pokefan Bethany
Azurill: Level 35
Marill: Level 37
Azumarill: Level 39 Fourth Level: Gym Leader Juan
Luvdisc: Level 41
Whiscash: Level 41
Sealeo: Level 43
Crawdaunt: Level 43
Kingdra: Level 43 It turns out Wallace isn't the Gym Leader after all. In Emerald,you have to fight Wallace's teacher - Juan. A powerful Electric or Grass-type Pokemon will destroy what Juan has to offer. In fact, almost any Pokemon at level 55 or up will do serious damage to Juan's crew. As long as you aren't sending out Ground or Rock types to get chewed up by the array of Water Pulses, you should be fine. Drop a souped-up Pikachu on the party and watch them fall. Once you are victorious, you will be given the Rain Badge and TM03 (Water Pulse). Now you'll be able to train all levels of Pokemon, and you'll be able to use Waterfall outside of combat. Now that you have all of the badges, it is time to make your way to Ever Grande, to participate in the Pokemon League. ---- Now that everything is back to normal, people are actually out and about on the streets. Return back down to the lake in front of the gym. From here, swim to the grassy spot to the right. Just up the stairs here is the Pokemon Center. Move up the stairs to the right. Enter the house here and a girl with give you her Wailmer Doll. The next house up is party to a couple of brothers having an argument about the size of Pokemon. If you have a large Seedot or Lotad in your party, show it to them. If yours is bigger, they'll reward you with an Elixir. When you're done with them, swim past the Gym to the grassy shore to the west. There, you'll discover a girl who will give you a random rare Berry. Grab it, then head up the stairs nearby and go all the way to the top of the city on the left side to find a house. Go inside to find a black belt who will give you TM31(Brick Break). It allows a Pokemon to cut through defensive moves.
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You find him in the last Gym in Sootoolis City.He is the last Gym leader
The sixth gym in the gym in fortree city....and the leader is winnona...
The fourth gym is the fire gym in fallorbar town.
In Pokemon Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald, the player cannot battle the last gym until after the episode in the Cave of Origin. After Groudon/Kyogre have been defeated, the player can return to the gym in Sootopolis and fight the final gym leader.
Beat the Elite 4. Surf East of the last city and go up the waterfallll.