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Walk up the stairs on the left side of the gym and then when your at the top press A in front of the big red button

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Q: How do you get to the gym leader in Cianwood?
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Where do you find the gym leader from Mahogany Town in Cianwood City in Pokemon HeartGold?

The Mahogany City gym leader is not in Cianwood. He is in the gym in Mahogany, not anywhere else.

What type Pokemon of gym leader in cianwood?

fighting types, the gym leader is chuck

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At Cianwood city

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you can get out the gym leader on the lighthouse is bring her a secretpotion that you can get to the cianwood pharmacy

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The 5th gym leader in Johto is Chuck. He is located in Cianwood City.

In cianwood where do you get fly?

when you beat the cianwood gym leader (VERY Hard) just walk out and someone will give it to you.

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You have to go into the Cianwood City and after you defeat the gym leader in Cianwood someone gives it to you.

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cianwood city.

How do you get to the 5th gym leader in pokemon soulsilver?

surf from olivine to cianwood

In Pokemon Gold where do you get the move fly?

Talk to the woman outside the cianwood gym after beating the gym leader there

Where is cianwood on pokemon heartgold?

If you surf from Olivine City u will get to cianwood town. Chuck, gym leader of fighting type! 

How do you get HM two in crystal Pokemon?

talk to the lady in cianwood city she is the gym leaders wife she will give you fly.when you have defeated the gym leader on cianwood island, talk to the girl just outside the gym