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First take a ticket (not quite sure which one) from a person in Celadon City. Then when you talk to a guy who asks, "Have you ever heard of Navel Rock?" Answer the guy by selecting "No". Then he'll say, "Team Rocket! Help!" Then Jesse and James will apear. Beat them, and get the ticket. You'll probably be able to sail to Navel Rock by taking a special ship in Vermillion City.
mystery event

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Q: How do you get to the Navel Rock in Pokemon FireRed?
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Navel rock on Pokemon FireRed?

You need the mystic ticket to get to navel rock on firered.

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It's on navel rock, you have to unlock the mystery gift to go to navel rock.

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navel rock is the 8th island out from Cinnibar island. but you need the mystic ticket

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Lugia can be found at Navel Rock, but access to Navel Rock require the MysticTicket, which is earned at an event.

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Ho-Oh is at Navel Rock.

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there is no naval rock in pearl only in emerald, firered ,leefgreen

How do you get navel rock in firered?

A Pokemon event or action replay code that gives you a certain ticket

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Lugia and Ho-Oh are in Navel Rock on 8 island

Where you can find lugia in Pokemon FireRed?

Lugia is located on one of the special event islands in Pokemon FireRed, called Navel Rock. In order to access Navel Rock, the player must use the Mystery Gift option to receive a Mystic Ticket item.