go to pallet town and surf down. Soon you will reach cinnabar island, which the gym leader is Blaine, who uses fire types
To get the 8th Gym Leader to return to his Gym in Viridian City, you must defeat all 7 other Gym Leaders.
who's blue. Whatever here's how you have to get 7 gym badges in kanto then he'll battle you.
The 7th gym leader in Pokemon yellow is in Cinnebar Island, which is south of Pallet Town. You need a Pokemon with Surf to get there.
After you get 7 badges go to Cinnabar Island and talk to blue (go to the left of the Pokemon center). If you see him before you defeat Blaine, Blue will not fight you. he will ask you to fight Blaine and defeat him. then go back to cinnabar, talk to Blue, and he will ask u to go to the gym and fight him.
In the Viridian Gym after you have met him at cinnabar island and defeated blaine at seafoam islandscinnabar island if you want to battle him beat all the other 7 gym leaders in kanto and come back and talk to him.fly back to virdian city and go to the gym and he will be there
In Mossdeep city I think.....
To get the 8th Gym Leader to return to his Gym in Viridian City, you must defeat all 7 other Gym Leaders.
Giovanni is the last gym leader. He will be in the Viridian city Gym once you gather the other 7 medals.
You have to have the 7 Gym Badges.
who's blue. Whatever here's how you have to get 7 gym badges in kanto then he'll battle you.
You have to get all 7 Gym Badges, beat the Elite 4, and defeat the Champion, Cynthia.
get 7 kanto badges and talk to blue on cinnabar island
Pokemon ruby where is the 6 gym
Blue can be found at Cinnabar Island. You have to defeat the other 7 Kanto gym leaders before you are able to battle him.
On pokemon Heart Gold and Soul Silver you can battle him if you got the another 7 gym badges then go to Viridian city and go to his gym then battle him
go back to cinnabar island and talk to blue then head to virdian gym. :-)
The 7th Gym is on Cinnabar Island.