when your at mossdeep city, surf straight down to route 27 and youll find a spot to dive in. dive and you should see like a trench thing just follow it and youll find a light spot to go back above water. the cave is really tricky to get through though. im still trying to figure it out! good luck
u find it at the seafloor cavern
Seafloor Cavern. To get there you need surf and dive, and once in there you will need strength and rock smash. Seafloor Cavern can be found underwater in route 128.
The same way you got in, or use the escape rope or the move dig.
It's in the Seafloor Cavern. To get here you need to use Dive, which is obtainable in Mosdeep City
you can get it in seafloor cavern
Go to Seafloor Cavern and look around.
u find it at the seafloor cavern
Seafloor Cavern. To get there you need surf and dive, and once in there you will need strength and rock smash. Seafloor Cavern can be found underwater in route 128.
The same way you got in, or use the escape rope or the move dig.
It's the Seafloor Cavern... An underwater cave where the legendary pokemon, Kyogre is sleeping.
It's in the Seafloor Cavern. To get here you need to use Dive, which is obtainable in Mosdeep City
South of mossdeep city you will sound find a diving spot that leads you to seafloor cavern this is where team aqua is.
you can get it in seafloor cavern
To open the Cave of Origin in Pokémon Emerald, you must first go underwater to the Seafloor Cavern. There you must defeat Archie.
if you mean aqua hideout underwater, its seafloor cavern..... use dive in black-pitch water. explore until you see a cave, inside of it is a submarine, then press B, click Yes, and you'll see seafloor cavern