you first go to fusha city then its the big bilding with the zoo in front of it
The safari zone in pokemon leaf green is in fuchsia city.For pokemon fire red it is also in fuchia city.
safari zone
AnswerThe Pokemon available in the Safari Zone are much like those available in Pokemon Red and Blue. The Pokemon which can be obtained in FireRed are as follows: On landNidoran (Male)NidorinoNidorinaExeggcuteParasParasectRhyhornDoduoKangaskhanVenonatVenomothTaurosScytherChanseyWhile Surfing or fishingMagikarpPoliwagGoldeenSeakingPsyduckKrabbyDratiniDragonairOther Pokemon normally captured in the Safari Zone can only be obtained in Pokemon LeafGreen.
in the safari zone
Chansey, Scyther, Tauros, Kangaskhan and Dragonair.
in the safari zone
The safari zone in pokemon leaf green is in fuchsia city.For pokemon fire red it is also in fuchia city.
In the safari zone
In the safari zone
safari zone
Safari Zone
In the secret house in the safari zone.
you just go to the zone thats all
The Saffari Zone is in North Fucshia City
You don't keep Safari Balls. You only have them in the Safari Zone.
In fuschia city, in the safari zone. Go to the very end of the safari zone and your prize is Hm surf
AnswerThe Pokemon available in the Safari Zone are much like those available in Pokemon Red and Blue. The Pokemon which can be obtained in FireRed are as follows: On landNidoran (Male)NidorinoNidorinaExeggcuteParasParasectRhyhornDoduoKangaskhanVenonatVenomothTaurosScytherChanseyWhile Surfing or fishingMagikarpPoliwagGoldeenSeakingPsyduckKrabbyDratiniDragonairOther Pokemon normally captured in the Safari Zone can only be obtained in Pokemon LeafGreen.