you have to beat the first 7 gyms and team rocket at goldenrod city. then the man will let you pass.
go to route 44
Route 44.
They can be found wild on Route 44.
Route 44 (15% encounter rate) and in the Safari Zone (Mountain).
Yes, You can get Lickitung in Soul Silver. It is on Route 44 I believe. Hope this helps.
route 44
go to route 44
Route 44.
at the end of route 44
They can be found wild on Route 44.
There are Bellsprout, Lickitung, Tangela, and Weepinbell.
you have to catch one on Route 44 or catch it in the Safari Zone (Mountain Area)
Route 44 (15% encounter rate) and in the Safari Zone (Mountain).
Yes, You can get Lickitung in Soul Silver. It is on Route 44 I believe. Hope this helps.
Clair is at black thorn city but first you need to get through ice path and route 44
You have to go west of Mahogany town onto route 44 and then go through ice path
Route 30.