you go to the Dessert Resort and by the "pokemon statues" there's a weird little square and you walk into it and wala you're there!
In relic castle
you have to get to the bottom
At one point in the plot, you will be told to go there. Only then will he move and allow you access.
You can get Volcarona by catching it at Relic Castle or making your Larvesta (if you have one) evolve into Volcarona starting from level 59.
They let you pick from two different ones inside of relic castle. Ones a seaturtle and the other is a dinosaur bird.
in the desert resort
at the end of it
In relic castle
fossil in relic castle
It can be found in the Relic Castle in Pokemon Black Or White
Yamask can be found in the Relic Castle.
Relic Castle after you beat the Elite Four.
Relic Castle Catacombs in the wild. You have a 15% of finding it.
it is in the desert near relic castle
its at the very end of relic castle it is VERY hard to find:(
The Relic Castle is on route 4 where you have to go left and then up again.
You don't. Archen comes from a plume fossil, obtained in Relic Castle.