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its really easy. get the quest to deafeat lord nightshade in stormdrain tower in haunted cave. after you deafeat him, you will get a skull key.then you can go to

the nightside, but lord night shade is pretty tough... so good luck!

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Q: How do you get to nightshade in wizard101?
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How do you get into NightShade on Wizard101?

Nightside, you mean? I can't remember how I did it.

Where is lord nightshade o wizard101?

the end of the haunted cave

How do you get to nightshade?

In Wizard101 Nightshade can be found through the falls to the left of the bridge in the Commons Area. Getting inside is another story.

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by fighting lord nightshade 2 times

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Krokotopia is part of the Spiral. You gain access to it after beating Lord Nightshade, discovering Nightside, and talking to Bartleby.

What bosses in wizard101 give you dark sprite pets?

i onley know lord nightshade and he also gives you a blue banshee

Darkside on wizard101?

if you are talking nightshade go to haunted cave the last tower. if you are talking nightside, go to rainbow bridge behind the waterfall

What level do you have to be to get the quest to defeat nightshade in wizard101?

There is not a specific level you have to be, all you are required to do is defeat unicorn way, cyclops lane, firecat alley, triton avenue and foulgaze

How do you get a pet dark sprite in wizard101?

You can either buy it from the Bazaar, (if they have it in stock) or you can earn it by defeating Lord Nightshade, but it might take a few tries, because its a more rare item that he drops.

In wizard101 how to unlock krokotopia?

To get to Krokotopia you need to obtain a key after defeating Lord Nightshade. After it is Obtained go to Merle Ambrose and he will give you permission to go to Krokotopia. And if your wondering where it is, it is inside Bartleby, in Ravenwood.

What are the bosses that drop the rare items in wizard101?

you could fight lord nightshade and get a blue banshee a dark sprite which gives card at baby and a black cat which also gives card at baby