if you have the HM FLY then you can fly there or you can surf but by some repels if you are going to surf
Mossdeep city
How do you unlock the door in the old man's house who lives on mossdeep city on Pokemon Ruby
You can buy these in Ruby, Sapphire and Emerald at Mossdeep city's pokemart.
Shoal Cave, north Mossdeep City
Mossdeep cityit is in mossdeep
you have to
in Mossdeep city, Artard
In mossdeep city.
in mossdeep city
in mossdeep city
You have to surf there first. From Lilycove City, you surf to the right till you reach Mossdeep City.
in mossdeep city {space center}
Mossdeep city
Shoal Cave above Mossdeep City
How do you unlock the door in the old man's house who lives on mossdeep city on Pokemon Ruby
In Pokemon Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald in Mossdeep City.