you need to have 6 badges and surf when you get there team aqua will be there and you cant go any further because wailmer are blocking your way hope this helped
From lilycove city if you go east you can reach mossdeep city.
Lilycove City Warp Gameshark Code: EF6C4684 7B994DBB
where can you find the lottery in lilycove city in Pokemon emeraldso easy go to the right of the lilycove city in 1st floor of the department store you will see the the lotterywhere can you find the lottery in lilycove city in Pokemon emeraldso easy go to the right of the lilycove city in 1st floor of the department store you will see the the lottery
You use a super rod in lilycove city.
you surf from lilycove city
in lilycove city
From lilycove city if you go east you can reach mossdeep city.
On the lower end of Lilycove City, right next to the Harbor.
Lilycove City Warp Gameshark Code: EF6C4684 7B994DBB
at Emerald: Lilycove city, u can win a masterball at Emerald: Lilycove city, u can win a masterball at Emerald: Lilycove city, u can win a masterball
where can you find the lottery in lilycove city in Pokemon emeraldso easy go to the right of the lilycove city in 1st floor of the department store you will see the the lotterywhere can you find the lottery in lilycove city in Pokemon emeraldso easy go to the right of the lilycove city in 1st floor of the department store you will see the the lottery
Lilycove city is not in soulsilver the lottery is in goldenrod city in the radio tower.
The Lilycove Department Store is in Lilycove City, up the stairs behind the POKeMON Center.
You get them from lilycove city
there is a puzzle pass fortree city
Lilycove City in the third generation Pokemon games is only accessible by using the HM Dive. Surfing north of Mossdeep City and using Dive will allow the player to emerge again in Lilycove.
Staleport City and LilyCove City