To get to level ten on dragon vale, it is actually pretty simple, you just keep adding decorations and getting dragons for xp
There is no dragonvale for PC
Online is the only way to play Dragonvale!
Many people like DragonVale. I honestly love DragonVale.
DragonVale is only available on the iPod Touch, iPad, and iPhone.
There are no legitimate sites or apps that give you DragonVale gems, besides the actual official DragonVale game app.
you have to get the dragon shrines, then you have to level up 50 dragons of that sort to level ten.
it could be anytghing
No, they only have to be adults. However, the higher the dragon level, the higher the chances are of getting a rare dragon.
get xp
Level 11
You have to be at level 15.
Level 14!
The dragons in DragonVale are not trainable. You only feed them to level them up and breed them.
You unlock it at level 11.
Level 12
You unlock it at level 14.