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First of all, you need some Crowns or a Subscription. You can find out more at

What you have to do is finish Unicorn Way. You get to 3 different streets. Two of them can only be accessed by Crowns or Subscription. After completing the storyline quests on all 3, you get a quest to defeat Foulgaze. Once you defeat him, you go on and defeat the last storyline boss, Lord Nightshade. After reporting back to the headmaster and exploring Nightside (The secret location of the Death School.), he bestows upon you the key to Krokotopia.

You're Welcome!

-Alia Lotuspetal, level 42 Theurgist

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago

Getting to Krokotopia is very simple. Sort of. First, complete the quests "Rescue Report", "Danger, Danger!", and "Triton Report", Headmaster Ambrose will ask you to defeat Foulgaze. He's a pretty easy boss, so don't worry unless you've already defeated him. After you complete the Foulgaze quest, "A Look of Horror", the Headmaster will later ask you to find Stormdrain Tower. Within the foggy tower lies the boss of the first world, Wizard City, Nightshade. He's easier than he looks, but you will probably want at least one friend. After defeating Nightshade and all, you'll get a new quest from Ambrose: The Sixth School. After completeing Marla Stinger's quest, you should head over to Krokotopia. Don't bother finding Grubb yet, Sunken City is way to hard. Talk to Bartleby, finish up his quest, and you're started in Krokotopia!

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To get to Krokotopia you need to obtain a key after defeating Lord Nightshade. After it is Obtained go to Merle Ambrose and he will give you permission to go to Krokotopia. And if your wondering where it is, it is inside Bartleby, in Ravenwood.

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Well, Krokotopia is a world restricted to people under a certain level. It is also an area where you pay with crowns, or subscribe. It is in Bartleby in Ravenwood

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finish marleybone and if u cant go to marleybone finish krokotopia ~.'

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Complete the main story line of quests in Wizard City and Krokotopia.

How do you get to krocotopia in wizard101?

To get to Krokotopia, you have to from the range of level 14-18. Headmaster Ambrose will call you to his office and send you to Krokotopia using the spiral door. There you complete many quests and can receive titles and when you complete all of Krokotopia, you get the title Hero of Krokotopia. Then you are called to Ambrose and are asked to visit Marleybone.

How do you get moosho in wizard101?

You get to Mooshu by successfully completing all main story quests in Wizard City, Krokotopia, and Marleybone.