To get to Hotzeplotz you must go to Grey Slate, Rock Shop Owner in Carrotton, and do his quest. Then he will transport you to Hotzeplotz. :D
From Dun ^
You have to go talk to Grey Slate in Carrotton (Hare Isle). Then he will send you to King Phil on Hotzeplotz isle. King Phil well send you to Theobroma isle CoolPiggy From: Pinto You can pm me or mail lol :D
Start the quest by talking to Princess Lilianna, after completing her frog quest.*The ring is made by Grey Slate in Carrotton, who will need a jewel hammer from the Wington Blacksmith and three gold ores.*The Cake is made by Martha in Cantle Meadows on Saddle Isle*The dress is made by Kilye in Tropicton, who needs silk. Get the silk from Jean, the Hotton Clothing store owner.*Talk to King Phil on Hotzeplotz Isle, and he will handle the carriage.Take everything back to Lilianna's Castle, talk to Dorcas, who will tell you the princess has been kidnapped by pirates. Choose to rescue her rather than pay the ransom. Then talk to Mabel on Dolphin Isle. She then tells you to go to the castle and search for clues.Use magnifying glass inside the castle, you will find the first clue.Then exit the castle and one pace right you will find another clue.Go two paces right then up one, rake next to the purple tree. You will find the next clue.Go to the Pegusus Uniter and Talk to him. Go back to Mabel, tell her about it then go to Jungle Isle. Search inside the Master Mind game by the swamp next to Tropicton. Talk to Princess Lilliana, and then go back to her castle after she dissapears.-VanillaKisses, dun server
Tail Isle, Cresent Isle, Hotzeplotz Isle and Ardent Isle. Go to for a walkthrough!!
They are on: -Hotzeplotz Isle -Ardent Isle -Crescent Isle -Tail isle For walkthrough help, check related links--
You must do a few quests for the King by talking to Grey Slate on Hare Isle first. After that, Grey Slate will send you on a quest to talk to the King, and you're able to go whenever you wish, but before each time you must have Grey Slate's coffee from Art Isle (This is until you complete the King's other Quests on his isle first)
Do not sell it or wear it or you WILL go to prison isle. Simply tell his "liege" you found it and he will thank you for being honest and tell you to keep it. -AllySon *Roan*
You have to go talk to Grey Slate in Carrotton (Hare Isle). Then he will send you to King Phil on Hotzeplotz isle. King Phil well send you to Theobroma isle CoolPiggy From: Pinto You can pm me or mail lol :D
You Make Four Apple treats Then You go Find A sheep One is On Hotzeplotz One Is On Tail Isle I don't remember where the others are. But to get the back to the owner you have to Talk to them and then you should be able to give them the Treat and they Will Follow you. Answered By: HorseIsle Player Justjack on The Pinto Server.
1st: is on Hotezplotz isle 2nd: Cresent isle3rd: tail isle4th: ardent isleTail:Talk to Nina (A bird lover on Tail Isle). Follow the path from the docks down into the forest to get to her. Hotzeplotz:Do quest for carroton rock owner and get him bagels. He will send you to Hotzeplotz. Talk to the king on Hotzeplotz and ask if he's seen any golden sheep around. turns out, its north of the isle near the palm. go check, then give the sheep the apple treat. Crescent:Talk to Demetrius(A poet) in Witherton , Rider Isle. Ardent:To get to Ardent, talk to Temperance (In treeton, horseisle), she will send you to Mare Isle. Dig in the north-west tip and go to Palm Isle. From there take the rowboat to ardent. There is a sheep by a palm tree. Good luck. I hope this is helpful.
Go to the middle of the island, where it is kind of divided in half. There should be a palm tree on the west bank. Dig while standing to the north west of it.There is an odd depression in the ground here; as if animals had been digging...You found a small box with a magnificent Pearl Necklace of perfectly matching pearls and $5,000 inside!Dollarahead- Bay server
Talk to Olivia, who is way up in the top-left part of Polar. If you cannot go to Cloud, tell her and she will give you a list of ingredients that does not require you to do so. To get the ingredients for the first item, go to Rikka on Spice (Treeton Food Shop). Rikka will give you all of the ingredients for the first item. Next, go to Emma on Theobroma (King Phil on Hotzeplotz) for the chocolate. Once you have gone to both places, return to Olivia. You Completed Olivia's Holiday Cookies quest! You earned $20,000 and 200 quest points. Hope this helps! Lief - Roan & Palo <3
King Phil's Menorah (250qp) [Intermediate]Begins: Grey Slate, owner of the Carrotton Rock ShopItems Needed: 20 iron ores, 20 copper oresGrey is working on a menorah. He asks you to go to Inigo Webster on Jungle Isle to do it. After talking to Inigo, bring him 20 iron ores and 20 copper ores. Next, he will need you to go to Nicolette in Chillton. Nicolette will ask you to go to Arthur Temperton in Appleton to get some Tin Oxide. Return to Nicolette to get the glass scene, and then return to Inigo. Inigo will finish the menorah, so take it back to Grey. Grey will send you back to Hotzeplotz Isle. Speak to King Phil again.Reward: Persian Kitten
Check in your quest log to see if the quest is unavailable. If it is unavailable, that means you haven't yet talked to someone you will meet in the quest. To unlock the quest, make sure you have visited Galvin (Muzzle Forest, get him to take you to Quiet Isle), Venda (Quiet Isle), Rafiki (Quiet Isle, he tells you to talk to Galvin), Nina (Tail Isle), Anani (Palm Isle, talk to her then go to Ardent Isle), King Phil (Hotzeplotz Isle), Luna (Crescent Isle) For a complete guide to this quest, go to
Your going to have to start by talking to Candide. After you do, he will tell you whereabouts they might be (I think.) So you go to Hotzeplotz isle by talking to Grey Slate. You talk to King Phil I, and he tells you that he will give them to you for his breakfast. So you go to Art Isle, and talk to Remy. Remy will give youthe breakfast, you give it to King Phil, and he tells you they will be in between two palm trees, at the top of the island.You go there, and talk to the sheep, trying to convince it to come home. It won't so that's it for that sheep. That's as far as I've gotten, hope I heped at least a little bit. :)GREYML