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Their are 2 ways to reach Fuchsia City a short way and a long way either way you want to take you will need the PokeFlute. If you wanna take the short way head to Celadon City and go west you should find a Snorlax sleeping wake it up with the PokeFlute then battle it you can either capture it or defeat it whichever you like just don't forget you only get 2 chances to catch Snorlax so make a wise decision. Keep going west after defeating or capturing Snorlax to reach Cycling Road head down the road then go east and you will arrive in Fuchsia City. If you wanna take the long way or the trainer route then go east of Vermilion City once again waking up Snorlax and then keep heading southwest eventually you will reach Fuchsia City.

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Q: How do you get to fuchsia city Pokemon FireRed?
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