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go to spear pillar and when you defeat the commanders Cyrus says he feels pressure and a portal appears girratina grabs Cyrus and brings him to the distortion world be careful once you go in you cant get out unless you capture giratina oh yeah azelf uxie mespirit are there go on YouTube and look it up

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Q: How do you get to distortion world?
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You need it to get up the mountain to get to the distortion world. it's a drag i know.

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distortion world

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On Pokemon platinum how do you find a girtina?

While playing through the story you will end up in the distortion world with Cynthia. in the distortion world you will have to battle Cyrus after beating him Cynthia will heal your Pokemon. then you will be able to find giritina, in the distortion world.

Where do you get giratina in platinum?

Get Giratina in the Distortion World. The Distortion World is at Spear Pillar which is in Mt Coronet. You go here after you have beaten the 7 gym.

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It is at Distortion World.

Where do you get guaritina in Pokemon platinum?

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