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Complete the main story and complete your pokedex then head to Canalave City. Go inside the house that is near to the sailor that takes you to Iron Island. There will be a boy who's stuck in a Nightmare then talk to his mom.Go outside and talk to the sailor and he will ask you a favor to go to the crescent moon island and he'll take you there.

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Q: How do you get to crescent moon island pearl?
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In Pokemon pearl version where is crescent island?

when the boy is sleeping in canclave talk to him then talk to the girl thentalk to the sailor he will take u to crescent or fulmoon island

Where is crescent moon island in platinum?

You have to get the national pokedex then go to the guy who brings you to iron island and he'll ask you to help wake up his kid by going to crescent moon island. You will find Crescellia there and he will do the same as mespirit.

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It's on New Moon Island

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head east from full moon island to get to new moon island

How do you get to cresselea on platinum?

on crescent moon island in canalave city after you beat the game

Crescent island Pokemon pearl?

I think you mean Fullmoon Island. Fullmoon Island is where you encounter Cresselia. It is a roaming Pokemon, so you can't catch it there.

What is the phase of the moon when it's crescent shaped?

When the moon looks like a crescent, it is either a waxing crescent or waning crescent moon.

Where is the ghost ship when its a half moon in wind waker?

I think Spectacle island, and Im pretty sure if that doesn't work go to Crescent Moon island during either no moon or full moon.

Where is moon island in soul silver?

there is no moon island in soulsilver. it's only in platinum/diamond/pearl. hope this helped!

New moon island in Pokemon emerald?

New moon island is only avalible in Pokemon pearl, diamond and platinum